22 Jun Danny Bellmore – APF Seniors Meet Write Up
The Weight Cut
Once I got to Florida I didn’t have but 4 to 5 pounds of body weight to shed. As always, they last 2 to 3 are a real pain in the ass to lose. I made it to the venue and weighed in at 163.5 on Saturday. Now for the fun part trying to get the weight back on. I generally have a very hard time packing on the pounds after a cut. Brian pulled every trick out of the bag to bloat me back up. Before bed on Saturday night I weighed about 176. This would have been a perfect weight but my body refused to hold on to it. Upon waking up I headed right to the scale and I was down to 171.2. This was not optimal but it is what it is.
Once I had gotten to the venue and started getting some gear on I realized that my smallest set of briefs were not all that tight. Good thing for the adjustability of the Leviathan Ultra Pro.
Warm up’s all moved very easily, I felt good.
1st 688 – I had Jon Byrd calling my depth and for some reason I did not hear him say up the first 2 times. I powered out of the hole easily just got back on my heals at the top and fell back. I wasn’t all that concerned the weight didn’t feel very heavy at all.
2nd 705 – This time the set up felt fine. I heard Byrd call me up and got 3 white lights.
3rd 733 – Again the set up felt fine. Byrd called me up and again 3 white lights. This attempt was very much an ass grinder.
For some reason, I really never found my groove but managed to pull off a decent day. Not bad for being told I will never get a squat passed at the Nationals. Sometimes proving people wrong is just what you need to do because I have learned there are many people who consider you a friend but want to watch you fail. I guess it makes them feel good about themselves.
Going into the bench the expectation was not very high. 4 weeks into my pre-contest block I completely tore my right lat off. I was not able to do any real benching for about 3 weeks.
Warm ups were very slow and everything felt heavy. Since I could get my SDP on by myself I knew the red shirt would not give me a whole lot.
1st 451 – This went ok but not as fast and strong as an opener should have gone.
2nd 485 – We switched shirts for this attempt. This shirt was much tighter than the last one. I had a real struggle to get the bar to touch. On the decent I hear a load pop and figured it was just the shirt popping some threads. I never even moved the bar much off from my chest. As I attempted to get off from the bench I had some major chest pain in the sternum area. I guess we figured out what the loud pop was.
3rd 485 – We made a shirt adjustment and I opted to tuck my feet to see if I could get a little bit of an arch. Once I started down I could feel the collar on my sternum and I felt myself flatten out from trying to avoid the pain (I know I am a pussy). Once I finally touched I had nothing left, I was gassed.
1st 551 – I had Brian drop my opener from 606 to 551. I knew pulling was going to be painful after popping my sternum. This moved easily as it should of.
2nd 600 – I pulled this up easily, I just babied it at the top because the lockout was pretty painful.
3rd 617 – We opted for the small jump so we could recover with a somewhat respectable total. This went smooth and yet again I babied it at the top.
I want to take the time to thank my handlers. Brian Carrol, Jason Kowalewski, Jonathan Byrd, Shane Ford and Filipe Gusmao. These guys made sure I had everything I need when I needed it. Being a handler is a lot of work. Sometimes it is easier to compete.
Brian and Ria took really good care of me and I appreciate what they do for me. As always the best hosts.
Derek Wilcox helped me out a ton with my squat during this whole training cycle. I still have a lot to work on but now we are headed in a good direction. I appreciate all you have done for me.

Danny Bellmore

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