28 May Danny Bellmore Week 8 Pre Contest
I recently did the Maine State Open back in November. Even though I benched and pulled my best I wasn’t very pleased with my performance.
I am currently in the pre-contest phase of my training for the 2016 APF Senior Nationals in Jacksonville, Fl. Brian will be handling my programing for the next 10 weeks. After being on the fence about making the trip tickets have been bought and paid for so it looks like I am on my way to Jacksonville.
This week was my second week in the Leviathan Ultra Pro. I am liking it much better with the wider stance. I can’t say enough for the amount of time Derek Wilcox has given me with video break down and advice. Every suggestion that Derek has made has been spot on.
I am a believer in this fully adjustable suit made by Inzer Advanced Designs.
I sometimes start dropping weight before a meet. This is not a planned weight loss but never the less it is a huge pain in the ass with gear fitting. Bench shirts seem to be effected more than anything else due to the LUP being fully adjustable.
McGill Big 3
Bar x 20
155 x10
Predator Briefs
245 x 5
335 x 3
425 x 1
515 x 1
LUP Suit
625 x 1 ( straps up Black Beauty wraps on)
685 x 1
730 x1
2” high Box Squats
335 x 5
385 x5
425 x 5
Bulgarian Split Squats
50 3 x 10
Suit Case Carry
100yds each side
I worked to an opener on this night. The benches didn’t move all that well with the weight drop. The shirts didn’t fit all that well.
McGill Big 3
All work was done raw.
105 x 5
155 x 5
205 x 5
255 x 5
2295 x 3
335 x 1
385 3brd x 1
425 2brd x 1
450 1 brd x 1
475 ½ brd
525 1 brd (Lock out sucked)
Bench to 2 brds
255 x 6
285 x 6
325 x 6
DB Floor Press
85 3 x15
DB Skull Crushers
25 3 x10
Tricep Kick Backs
15 3 x12
Deadlift went well this week. I wanted to push towards an opener then roughly a second attempt.
McGill Big 3
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 2
500 x 1 (LUP no briefs straps up)
590 x 1
640 x 1
Block Pulls
315 3 sets of 3
Rack Rows
3 sets of 12 very light
Bird Dogs

Danny Bellmore

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