Danny Vega – 2015 Off-season 1 in Review

I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class.

I’m very happy with the way this off season went. I gained 12 lbs, improved my form and stayed healthy, and primed myself for the upcoming meet prep. I’m ready to lift some heavy weight. With the drop in volume, I will have to drop my calories accordingly so as to not keep gaining weight. I am right at 229, and if I keep calories the same I will drift towards 235. During meet prep, I try to keep things simple, since I have to balance my training, job and time with my family. So I pretty much eat the same thing every week with the exception of weekends. Here is the plan:

Training days

1. Pb&j sandwich and raw milk
2. Gameplan stack
3. 1 cup oatmeal with honey, 1 cup egg whites with Canadian bacon and slice of provolone
4. 4 Oz ground turkey and 1 cup basmati, 1 slice wheat bread
5. 4 Oz ground turkey and 2 sweet potatoes, 1 slice wheat bread
6. Quest bar
7. 5 Oz Mahi, 1 cup basmati, green beans, 2 tbsp kerrygold butter
8. Half a cup of Cottage cheese, 1 tbsp syrup, 1/4 cup cashews

Fat 106
Carbs 409, 42 fiber
Protein 251
3460 calories

Off Days
1. 3 eggs, 1/2 cup egg whites, 3 slices Canadian bacon, 2 slices provolone, 2 slices wheat bread, 1 tbsp kerrygold
2. 1/4 cup macadamia nuts
3. 2 Costco burger patties, 2 slices provolone
4. 6 Oz salmon, 1 cup basmati rice, 1 tbsp kerrygold, green beans
5. 1/2 cup Cottage cheese, 2 tbsp enjoy life chocolate chips, 1 tbsp pb

194 fat
137 carbs, 26 fiber
220 protein
3105 calories

 This week was “test” week. Jonathan told me to pick weights that would be openers at my next meet more or less. This would work out to about 85% of what I want to hit at the end of May. Everything moved surprisingly fast, considering it was the off-season. After hitting heavy singles, I took about 75% of that and hit it for max reps. It was fun.

Monday Bench
Rope triceps extensions x 200 reps

Tuesday Squat

Came in and did a bunch of suitcase carries. That was pretty much it

Thursday Accessory
Closegrip 225×19 just missed on the 20th rep
DB rear raise 3×15
Y,T,U 3×10 each

Saturday Deadlift
1 minute AMRAP 455×12
Chest supported row 6×10

Body composition remained fairly lean. I think I may have put on close to a pound of muscle.

228. Up from 216 in December.

228. Up from 216 in December.

I have to mention that I have seen a difference since stepping up my supplement game and adding my daily Gameplan whey protein, Recovery BCAAs, Pump pre-workout, and Life multivitamin packs. It’s really helped me get through the longer workouts– especially some of those squat sessions. This allowed me to use heavier weight and make some nice gains. I look forward to trying some more Gameplan products and letting you know how they work for me.

 Get some Gameplan supplements at a discounted price HERE
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Danny Vega

Danny Vega is a 220lb raw powerlifter with meet bests of 640 squat in wraps (610 raw), 400 bench, and 700 deadlift. A native of Miami, Florida, Vega received his bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University in 2004, where he was a member of the football team and a three-time Dean’s List recipient. Vega earned his masters of science in human performance from the University of Florida, where he worked with the national championship men’s basketball team along with women’s basketball, tennis, and golf programs. He then went on to become the Strength & Conditioning coordinator for VCU basketball. The Rams were 2007 conference champions and made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament.
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