14 Mar Danny Vega – Powerbuilding Week 2 – Day 1 & 2
I just ran the Gasparilla half marathon on February 26th. I’m currently doing a 3 month powerbuilding block, with minimum running to keep a good base. I’m running the Savage Race in March for fun. The 10/20/Life Powerbuilding book should be out in the late spring/early summer.
[wa-wps]Last week was definitely a huge adjustment for me. Between the weight loss from the food poisoning and the soreness from running the race dehydrated, I honestly don’t think I was fully recovered. But this week I feel better, even though I’m not at 100%. I’m just having fun. My goal is to get the leanest I’ve ever been. I’m getting a DXA scan soon, and I will compare that at the halfway point and again at the end.
Let me clue you in on my diet. As you may know, I’m ketogenic, so anything you think you know about nutrition probably doesn’t apply to me. Still, I set myself some guidelines for the first week and I blew right by them by 7-800 calories every day. Between the extreme hunger from a new program and a bit of a rebound after having everything dialed in for so long, I’m good. It’s time to tighten up.
So here’s the plan (this should make people’s head explode…mine would have exploded if I’d read it just a year ago!):
Training days: intermittent fasting from about 7pm until 11:30am or 12pm. That gives me about a 7-8 hour feed window and I’ll probably only eat 2 meals in that timeframe.
Protein: 135-165, really aiming for closer to 135 unless I’m eating a big steak or something that day.
Carbs: keeping total carbs under 30 OR net carbs under 20. Net carbs are what you get when you subtract fiber from total carbs.
I only recommend this if you eat real food like avocados, spinach etc and not crap like Atkins bars. Etc.
The only variable I will change for the first couple of months will be fat, and I will be cutting that VERY SLOWLY.
I have a goal in mind for my bodyfat percentage this year instead of just how I look, And I plan on hitting it–whether it takes 12 weeks or 18 weeks.
Enough about that. Here’s the training so far:
A. Bench press (90 sec rest) 45×20, 95×10, 135×6, 5×12,10,8,6,6 – 205,215,225,235,245
B1. DB Incline press 3×12,10,8 – 75
B2. EZ bar curls 3×12,10,8 – 80,90,100
C1. Hammer Strength wide grip machine press 3×12,10,8 – 100,110,120
C2. DB Hammer curl 3×12, 10, 8 – 45,50,55
D. Freemotion Low pulley cable flys 3×15 – 4 regular, 1 slow concentric and eccentric, repeat 2 more times -70
Running: Treadmill Intervals. Week 2: 30 sec on, 60 sec off x15 sets
A. Squat 45×10,10, 135×6, 185×5, 4×12,10,8,6 – 275,315,345,365
B. DB Stiff leg dead lift 3×12,10,8 – slow eccentric – 70,80,90
C1. Leg Extensions x50 total reps -80lbs x30,20
C2. Leg Curls x50 total reps -80lbs x30,20
D1. Lunges 3×15 each leg – 30
D2. Standing Calf raises 3×15 – 70
E. Weighted uphill walk x20 min (10 min with 20lb vest, 10 min bw. 3.2 mph @5% incline)

Danny Vega

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