17 Mar Danny Vega – RPS Redemption meet prep – 3/16 Bench & 3/17 Squat
I am training for the RPS Redemption/XPC Qualifier on May 30, 2015. I will be competing in the classic raw 220lb weight class.
3/16 Bench
1. Paused bench 3 top sets @285+50 lbs of chain x3 reps @rpe 7
2. Dead bench 3″ off chest 5×1@275 w/ minimal rest
3. Touch and go Bench 285×6,10
4. Band tri extensions x100
5. Double handed DB hammer curl 2×25@45
3/17 Squat
1. Squat 415, 465, 510, 510, 510×3 @rpe 8
2. 2 count Paused squat w/ chains 3×3@295+120, 325+120, 325+120
3.DB single leg GM 3×8@70
4. Reverse sled drags 315×3 trips
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Danny Vega
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