07 May Invest In You
By Danny Bellmore
I never understood – and never will – why people would do just enough to get by… just the bare minimum. During my experience managing a medical business for about seven years, the most common phrase I would hear was this: “Why bust my ass? What good will it do me?” My answer has remained the same, “because hard work will pay dividends in the end.” The same notion was reiterated during each annual review when I reminded my staff why they should have (and could have) done a little extra. That effort – or lack thereof – directly played into their yearly raise. The change in mindset didn’t take very long and the expectation was simple: bust your ass and do the best job you can.
These same parallels can be seen in the gym, where you can witness people just going through the motions. You see the same people, year after year, working out the same way, and getting a little heavier and softer over time. If you like wasting your time with less than your best effort, then be my guest. I never understood the thought process of just doing enough to get by. The critical piece here is to invest in you. The quality and quantity of the investment will determine the respective payout… and it must be earned, never given.
I have always had this attitude: if I’m going to show up, I’m going to do the best that I can. Let’s be honest here and recognize that there are days when you just don’t have it in you. This outlier is the exception, and most definitely not the rule.
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Have a purpose in everything you do and don’t waste energy on things that don’t coincide with your goals. There is so much energy wasted on things that don’t matter. Remember you are investing in you and your future.
- Have a plan – I don’t care if you’re working towards a promotion at work, or working towards an 1000lb squat because if you don’t have a plan you will fail. Stick with the plan and give it a chance before you abort the process. Sometimes it’s better to set smaller goals. Hitting small milestones will seem a lot more attainable and keep your interest peaked.
- Align yourself with likeminded people – If you don’t have a good support system, you need to reevaluate the people around you. There are many people that want to see you fail for many different reasons. Most people are jealous of anyone progressing more than they are. You want a group of peers that will push you and hold you accountable. You are a direct representation of the people you surround yourself with.
- Don’t gauge yourself off other people’s success – Everyone progresses at different rates. If you find yourself comparing your success to someone else, you will lose focus. Remember that it is your goals and results that matter most. Lance Armstrong didn’t win every leg of the Tour de France. It was the end result that mattered the most.
- Hire a coach – There is nothing wrong with hiring a coach if you feel it’s needed. There are so many coaches out there to choose from. You have life coaches, business coaches and training coaches. Some people say they cannot afford a coach. I say if you’re stalling and need a swift kick in the ass – you cannot afford to be without one.
- Time – Remember nothing happens overnight! Progress and success take time to develop and execution occurs with the appropriate plan. Not everything with go off without a hitch. What matters the most is how you handle the obstacle’s in front of you and how you respond to adversity.
Time is a hot commodity you just can’t buy more of it and there are only 24 hours in a day. There is a saying that, “you can always make more money, but you can’t make more time.” When you do things with a purpose you waste less time. Don’t waste your energy or time on the things that don’t matter. Invest in You!

Danny Bellmore

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