Jonathan Byrd Week 1 Offseason

“Win or lose, you have 24 hours. 24 hours to celebrate, 24 hours to sulk, but when that time is up you get back to work” Jim Sypult

Jim Sypult was my college head football coach, and taught me to train and play by that motto. So I sat down yesterday for a few hours and reevaluated where I am in my training. I wrote out some realistic goals, and developed a plan. I am going to step the volume up pretty high over the next few weeks (high for me). I need a break from equipped lifting for a bit. I am by no means trying to down play raw lifting, because it is hard. The issues with equipped lifting is that you must be a master of your form in the gear, and right now I just don’t feel like dealing with those issues. So with that said, its time to step it up a level.

Floor press
I was suppose to do 3 at 385, but really I just ran out of gas! That will be an easy mark to meet next time around though.

3×15@70lbs flat bench dumbbell press
3×10 band fly
100 total band push downs

Overall a very solid day. I am going to start to swing by a local commercial gym on my way home a few days a week for some cardio and random accessory work. I am sure I will be asked to leave the first time I do some light squats or deads, but ol well!

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