LCS 11 Weeks Out, Session 2

Absolutely got my shit kicked in today.  🙁

I made sure everybody was aware that I was not excited to be benching in the shirt.



There’s a small group of us that’ll be competing Oct 28th at the RPS Revenant Rising in Wilmington, NC.

As always, a big thanks to Inzer Advance Designs and Captain Jacked for their continued support of TeamPRS.



Benching in the SDP, while better than any other shirt I’ve ever used, is rough.  I had a plethora of shirts to choose from.  Wanted to start in the 52.  Arms simply weren’t having it.  Smushed myself in the 54 and did the best I could.  Grip was still in a bit from competition width but things moved well despite it.  I don’t feel too bad about where I’m at but can tell I’m quite a ways off my best.  Got some serious work to do and started today.



Warm Up Sets Reps  
farmers walk 2 30 yard
bird dogs 3 5
rolling planks 2 10
Glute bridge 3 10
Exercise: % or RPE Sets Reps
Bench Press 75% 4 3
shirt 2-3bd
raw to touch
RB CG bench Sets Reps
Equipment: 4 6
straight bar
dips Sets Reps
90 second RI 3 10
incline db press Sets Reps
90 second RI 3 10
rolling db ext Sets Reps
90 second RI 3 15
band chest flyes Reps
AMAP per set 100
band pressdowns Reps
AMRAP per set 100
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Low Country Strength

Will Kuenzel is the owner of Lowcountry Strength ( in Charleston, SC. Will started his athletic endeavors as a pole vault; finishing up his collegiate career with a best vault of 16’9” at a whopping 160lbs. He the track and field world to pursue bodybuilding, his first show in 2005, he won 1st place in Men’s Novice as a middle weight. One year later he took 2nd as a Men’s Junior heavy weight. Since 2007 he has been a competitive powerlifter and totaling elite as a 220lber. His best lifts in multiply equipment are a 710lbs squat, a 605lbs bench press, a 615lbs deadlift and a 1930 total. In 2008 Will started Lowcountry Strength out of his garage. Since then it has moved into a 16,000 sq/ft facility and shares space with a mixed martial arts studio. With all disciplines of powerlifting, strongman, MMA, jiu jitsu and other sports in the Charleston area getting trained under one roof, Will heads up the strength and conditioning for a wide variety of athletes and clients.
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