29 Jun LCS dialing in the LUP
The whole LCS team is in off season right now. There are a couple meets coming up in the fall that have caught our attention. We’ll transition more into meet prep later but for now it’s all off season work for us.
I’m still in a weird off season mode where I’m fiddling with the gear. I’ve got a few tweaks to make and we’re trying to get a better handle on some weak points.
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/HomeYield/posts/10208198610275090″ width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]bar x bunch x several sets
135 x 5
vidoed from here out:
In briefs: 495×1
in suit with straps up:
605×2 x2sets
I think I can still go just a bit wider. My stance is getting more comfortable and while I’m still a little off with getting my knees out, they’re not knocking in and tracking out well. Going to push the stance out a little more next time. Deload coming up.
Low Country Strength
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