08 Dec LCS report – post hernia repost and team
The holidays are upon us and most of Lowcountry Strength is in off season mode. There’s a couple meets in late spring or early summer that we’ll eventually train for. For now, weaknesses are being addressed, diets are being tweaked, and recovery is happening.
I’m currently recovering from hernia surgery where I had my umbilical hernia repaired. I’m almost 3 weeks post op and feeling good. Doing some basic bodyweight activities while being more hands on in the gym. Last week I was still being pretty lazy and barely moving anything more than 30-40lbs. Slow but steady. More on this later.
Currently the team is on a 4 day combo plan. Most are squatting and pulling on the same day. I’m doing this right now to have a stronger emphasis on heavy back work on a separate day to bring up some weak points.
Team training (not me yet! Haha!)
Squat Day
Warm Up
prowler: 2×40 yards
Bird dogs: 3×10
Goblet squats: 3×10
TKEs: 3×15
RPE 7 for 4×5
Drop 10% and do one more set of 5
RPE 7 for 4×3
3″ block pulls with competition stance
Single leg deadlifts : 3×15/15
Stir the pots: 4×25

Low Country Strength

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