Lisa Guggisberg-Meet Recap

Mediocre.  That pretty much sums up my lifting this past weekend.  It wasn’t really bad and it wasn’t my best.    I made some rookie mistakes and overall I just felt flat the entire meet, no spark, no drive.


Weight cut:

I decided about 2 weeks prior to the meet that I would try and cut weight and see what happened.  I did the standard protocol I do every time, however, I was coming in a little heavier than what I normally am when I cut to 114.  Everything was moving along fine, weight was dropping as it should be.  Thursday night I was 116lb and decided if it didn’t come off over night I would get up and sweat it out in the am.  Sometime during the night I woke up and felt awful.  Slept on and off until about 6am. Got up and I was still 116lb.  I found a local sauna and sat for about 45 mins (12 mins in, 10 mins out) and not a single pound came off.  Somewhere while I was laying on the locker room floor feeling like dried up dog poop I decided to call it. If I had pushed more I knew I would have a crappy meet day.

Went back to the hotel and rested.  Kinda hoping for a Christmas miracle I kept spitting.  Weighed in at 116lb.  No big deal.  As Brian said this was just a try and let’s see what happens attempt.


I was super aggressive with refeed knowing I had gear to put on and it needed to fit.  Probably the most I have ever eaten and drank during a refeed. I constantly ate, I took in as much salt as possible, talking Ramen noodles with salt added, extra soy sauce, lots of carbs.  I remember sitting at dinner wondering where I was going to fit my dinner as I was stuffed to the gills but still tried to shove it in.

I went to bed Thursday night around 126lb.

Meet day:

I was in the second flight of three flights.  Warm ups felt good, everything as feeling ok but not great. Again I felt flat.


425lbs opener. Got up to the bar tried to unrack and re-racked it.  Rack height was too high.  They lowered the rack height but this time it was too low.  I went with it.  ROOKIE mistake. I should’ve backed off and had them adjust it again.  I ended up burning out my quads trying to unrack it.  I got forward, couldn’t sit back or open up. Called on depth.

Took 425 again.  Unrack better but again I got forward, didn’t sit back and couldn’t open up.  No go on depth.

This is where you realize gear ain’t easy.  Slight deviations in form can make or break a lift.

425lb again.  Byrd gave me a lighter wrap to help with depth.  I threw my ass back as far as I could, 3 whites.  I was in the meet.


By this time the meet was moving quick, the warm up room was a little chaotic.  Todd was in the third flight with Brian so the handlers were spread a little thin.

Once I got my shirt on I felt better.  Things were moving smooth and I felt strong.

Opener 260.  I missed the press command. ROOKIE MISTAKE. DUMB.

2nd attempt 260 good.  Small PR.

3rd attempt 280.  Should’ve had this.  Looking at video my left shoulder got pushed out of place on the hand off.  I fought it and thought I might have had it but I just couldn’t flair my left side to lock it out.


At this point I knew my total was going to be much lower than my previous meet so I was just hoping for a small PR.  I was tired at this point and again just feeling flat.  I pulled in a size 29 Inzer Fusion deadlift suit and cuffed the legs to help me with getting into position better.

365 opener easy.

405 2nd lock out was a fight but got it.  Small 3lb PR.

415 3rd.  Couldn’t break it off the ground and quite honestly I just didn’t have the fight in me.  I walked up to the platform with a half ass attitude and just wanted to be done with the day.

Mediocre day.

What I would’ve changed/learned:

I won’t do a weight cut unless I am with 6-8 lbs of weight. Anything over 10lbs is just too high of a % to cut for me.  I am small.

I will demand the rack height or whatever else on the platform be where I need it.  I’ll speak up.

I will be patient and not make stupid mistakes of missing a command.

Positive take-a-ways:

The old me would’ve completely crumbled and lost my shit when I missed the first two squats.  I was able to push through and somewhat salvage the day with some PR’s. This is huge for me as I am a mental lifter.


I had a great time with Tony and all his lifters at HAM.  Tony ran a great meet.  It was great to hang with the rest of the team, Will and his lifters from Low Country.  Derek so glad I got to meet you and Emily.  Todd and I did not end up divorced despite snapping at each other and both of us having less than perfect days.

Thank you Channing, Jason, Byrd, Ria, Liz, Shannon and Scott for all your help.  Ria had an awesome meet for her first one.  My girl pulled 330 like a boss, so proud of you.  Todd is a saint, most patient man ever, I am lucky to have him as my ride or die.

What’s next:

I need and want an offseason.

I am curious to see where the carryover from all the geared lifting to my raw work.  It should be interesting.  I will be doing the Arnold for sure, raw or geared is yet to be determined.  For now offseason will be a lot of raw work, squat specifically in knee sleeves only.

I am pretty posterior chain dominate and really need to bring up my quads.

More tricep work and rear delt work.

Tucker Loken and I are going to come up with a plan for my diet during offseason and eventually to make the cut to 114 easier for the Arnold.

Offseason is where you build your strength and hit weak points, to improve and for me to give back some of the time to Todd and the kids that I took during these two back to back meet preps.


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A self-proclaimed former high school band nerd turned meathead nerd, Lisa has been coached and mentored by Brian Carroll using 10/20/Life principals for 3 years. She started CrossFiting in 2006 but gave that up after realizing all she wanted to do was squat, bench and deadlift heavy. She now competes as a raw and multi-ply powerlifter in the 114 and 123 weight classes. Lisa has All-Time top 10 totals in both raw and multi-ply in her respective weight classes with a raw pro total of 936 lbs at 114 and a pro 1118 lb multi-ply pro total at 123 and 1090 lb multi-ply total at 114. She is currently ranked the #1 female multi-ply lifter at 123, #2 at 114 multi-ply female and #3 raw with wraps. Lisa has a B.A. in Political Science and a Masters in Public Administration, but hates politics and political debates. She is a mom of two, a firefighter wife and has worked as a full time litigation paralegal for almost 20 years.
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