I am currently in offseason mode. My next meet will be the XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic in early March 2016 where I will compete in the 114 lb weight class with wraps. Brian Carroll is programming my offseason work and really eager to see the end result of this offseason.
This offseason is going to be fun, interesting and tough. Brain got really creative with my offseason program and I really think there is going to be a huge payoff. Everything in the program is put in with a purpose to attack my weak points.
Sunday Squats
Warm up:
McGill Big 3
Goblet squats
Sunday really exhibited the disadvantage of working out the garage and not having enough or proper equipment. We have yet to build a box for box squats so we had to stack plates. (This is number one on the honey do list this week). The problem came with adding bands. Our rack isn’t built for band work and we didn’t have heavy dumbbells. I was supposed to do below parallel box squats with light bands but after some considerable brain storming by myself and Todd and some trial and errors we determined the bands were a no go. It doesn’t help that I am so short that range of motion reduces the effectiveness of the bands. I even played with standing on plates to help fight that problem. Decided instead to work some light form work on the box squats and will hit the banded work later this week at the Globo big box gym where I can tether the bands to dumbbells.
All work at RPE of 6
Front Squats 5×5
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
155 x 5
165 x 5
Below Parallel box squats
3 x 6
Kept the weight at 135 and worked form. I am still becoming accustomed to box squatting and had a big learning curve. I am fighting not plopping down on the box and staying tight as well as pushing back. Box squatting has revealed some weaknesses I have in the squat, however I am extremely happy that I now know what they are and how to fix them.
Accessory Work:
Piston Squat with KB 3 x 10
Bulgarian Split squats 3 x 20 (each leg)
Heavy KB swings 3 x 12
Tuesday Bench
Close Grip bench 5 x 5
95 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
Paused Bench with 2 board 3 x 3 at 135#.
Really liking these. I am able focus on staying tight and not worry about what the weight is on the bar
1 board 3 x 5 at 125.
Explosive push-ups 5 x5 (3 second eccentric)
Dips 3 x 20
Driggers Press 3 x 16
McGill Big 3
Stir the pot x 100

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