24 Feb Lisa Guggisberg-Openers/Last Heavy Day Before Arnold
I am currently in pre-contest mode for the XPC Finals at the Arnold where I will be competing in multi-ply division.
[wa-wps]Had to move my training days around this week as I went down with Brian, Ria, Byrd and Liz to help Channing at his meet in Orlando, FL. Channing had an amazing day and secured an all time top 10 total raw at 192.
Sunday afternoon I worked up to my opener squat and deadlift and then shut it down.
Warm up:
- McGill Big 3
- Goblet squats
- Bar 2×10
Opener squat somewhere around 425#. Felt good. Things finally clicking.
Opening deadlift 365# felt really good.
Turned around and hit bench Monday night. Not ideal but you gotta work with what life deals you and train for chaos right? Hey someone should make a shirt out of that……..
Warm up:
- McGill Big 3
- Front/side raises with 5lb plate
- Light band pull a-parts
- Bar 2 x 5
Worked up to opener of 250# to a half board.
Done, shut it down and ready to rest and come in strong for an optimal performance at the Arnold.
Weight is on point.  I fly out Tuesday, getting there early to settle in for what should be an easy weight cut.

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