09 Feb Lisa Guggisberg-Precontest Deload and Bench
I am currently 3 weeks out from the XPC Finals at the Arnold where I will be lifting in the multi-ply division.
Deload Squats and Deadlifts this past Saturday
Warm up
- McGill Big 3
- Goblet Squats
- Bar 2×10
Worked up to an easy 280# in briefs only for 5 singles on squat. Feeling beat up so this was a perfect time for a deload.
#245 for 5 singles on deadlift. Really working getting lifters wedge and locking in tight.
Bench Work
Warm up:
- Single arm KB swings
- Band pull aparts
- Front/side raises with 5lb plate
- Bar 2 x 10
Paul Key had me work with chains this week. 20lb on each side.
Raw no chains: 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 155 x 1
205# x 1 to 2 board plus chains Inzer SDP shirt on
225# x 1 to 2 board plus chains
245# x 1 to 2 board plus chains
265# x 1 to 1 board plus chains
I was extremely happy with how bench went. This really add fuel to my fire to finish this meet prep STRONG. Gonna hit it hard the next two weeks then rest up and get my head right for the weight cut and be meet ready.
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