05 Oct Lisa Guggisberg: RPS FL State Championship Meet Report-PART 1
So here I am back after a year or more long hiatus from raw lifting. I took the past year to focus on multiply lifting which I really enjoyed and will go back to soon but felt it was time to do another raw meet.
The Weight Cut
This turned out to be probably one of the easier weight cuts I’ve done. I modified my diet about 8 weeks out, moving some carbs around and played with the timing of carb intake. Around 6 weeks out I started a carb load on Saturdays after heavy training. I would consume between 300-400g of carbs within 3 hours after squats/deadlifts with NO fat. Then Sunday morning I would go back to normal carb intake, except I would pull 15 carbs from one meal. This worked out nicely as I was able to drop down to 120lbs before I started my water load and it help prepare my body for the post weigh in refeed.
I started water loading on the Sunday before the meet. Otherwise I continued to eat carbs up until Thursday 11am. I have found in the past with being fairly lean already that if I pull carbs too soon I dry out too soon and then have nothing left to push out when I need to get the water out. It’s a lot easier for the bigger guys who can go low carb and drop 8lbs. This has never really worked for me. My body likes carbs.
I drove down with Byrd and Jason (Labrat) Thursday. We got checked into the hotel and to my surprise I jumped on the scale and was 115.6. I hadn’t really pulled a lot of water. At this point I relaxed, ate, drank a little and rested up for early am weigh ins.
I officially weighed in at 113.6.
We immediately got busy re-feeding and re-hydrating. I think this was probably the most fluids and food I have ever been able to take in and I contribute that to prepping my body weeks before for the re-feed. We did breakfast, burgers for lunch with a milk shake, a pizza to eat as a “snack”, and an all you can eat sushi/hibachi place for dinner. In between all this I was snacking and drinking. In the words of Brian Carroll, if “I wasn’t eating, I was drinking”.
This was all for me…..ok maybe not all of it….but a good portion of it.
Meet Day
I woke up feeling great, I slept well, this was all a good sign. I had filled back out. My normal chubby cheeks were back and I felt strong.
Squat warm ups felt great. I was in the second flight so I had plenty of time to warm up. I did my usual McGill Big 3, goblet squats and two sets under just the bar. I had Todd calling my numbers all day, I didn’t want to know any numbers and just wanted to focus on lifting. All I knew were my openers. A big thank you to Stephanie Smith who helped load and run the mono in the warm up room. Brian was handling my knee wraps and I bitched minimally if at all about the tightness, which if you have ever trained with me you know I complain a lot about wraps. I hardly feel anything on meet days. I was using Inzer Gripper wraps and love these for all my raw lifting.
Opener 335. This felt really good and moved well. Todd took me to 362.
Second 362. I made the fatal error of not sitting back. I sat straight down and this killed my depth. I felt like I was searching for depth forever because I couldn’t push back or open up. I simply just didn’t execute.
Third 362. I took my second again and sat back and hit it.
This was a 15lb PR for me and a little over a 3 x body weight squat.
Although I was mad at myself for messing up my second attempt, it was a good start to the day.
Stay tuned for part 2.

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