I am currently in offseason mode.  My next meet will be the XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic in early March 2016 where I will compete in the 114 lb weight class with wraps.  Brian Carroll is programming my offseason work and really eager to see the end result of this offseason.

Box Squats again.  You think I would be sick of box squatting by now.  Not the case. I am seeing a huge improvement in my squat.

Sunday 11/29/15 Squats

Warm up

McGill big 3

Goblet squats

Box Squat work (All work at RPE of 8)

Free-squat no box bar x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 5

Add in box

135 x 5

185 x 3

205 x 3

Working sets

215 x 6

225 x 6

235 x 6

Accessory Work

Front squat 5×5 working up to 185#

I have been splitting my deadlift and squat days during off season but my schedule has been crazy with the holidays so I decided to go ahead and knock out my deadlift work on Sunday as well.

Deadlift Work (All work at RPE of 8)

2” Deficit Sumo 5×5

205 x 5

215 x 5

225 x 5

255 x 5

255 x 5

Conventional 2” block pulls

Working up to 355#

Accessory Work

1 arm KB swing

Bulgarian split squat 3 x 20

DOH shrugs 3 x 15

McGill pull up-lots

Wednesday 12/2/15 Bench Work

Warm up

McGill Pull ups

1 arm KB swings

Work (All work at RPE of 8)

Close grip bench 5×5 working up to 165#

Pause bench to 2 board 3×3 working up to 175#

1 board press 3×5 at 135#

Accessory work

Explosive push up 5×5

Ring dips 3 x 20

Lots of McGill big 3

Band push downs x 100

Band pull aparts x 100

Band Face pull aparts x 50

lisa 15

lisa 12

lisa 4

Check out the new 10/20/Life baseball T’s here:


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A self-proclaimed former high school band nerd turned meathead nerd, Lisa has been coached and mentored by Brian Carroll using 10/20/Life principals for 3 years. She started CrossFiting in 2006 but gave that up after realizing all she wanted to do was squat, bench and deadlift heavy. She now competes as a raw and multi-ply powerlifter in the 114 and 123 weight classes. Lisa has All-Time top 10 totals in both raw and multi-ply in her respective weight classes with a raw pro total of 936 lbs at 114 and a pro 1118 lb multi-ply pro total at 123 and 1090 lb multi-ply total at 114. She is currently ranked the #1 female multi-ply lifter at 123, #2 at 114 multi-ply female and #3 raw with wraps. Lisa has a B.A. in Political Science and a Masters in Public Administration, but hates politics and political debates. She is a mom of two, a firefighter wife and has worked as a full time litigation paralegal for almost 20 years.
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