04 May Two years ago, it all changed for several of us.
This blog is one day late.
It is supposed to be a training log here but I think my teammates will forgive me for this deviation.
May 3, 2014 saw the untimely death of a man who was a major reason why this webpage, brand, and friendship of many of us exists.
His work brought a lot of us together. Because of him, Brian and myself had an opportunity to really get to know each other. Because of him, this team exists.
I can never even attempt to top the tribute I wrote to him two years ago to the day (https://ashmanstrength.com/2014/05/a-tribute-to-the-angry-coach-one-of-the-last-of-a-dying-breed-of-men/) but I can tell you that I am thankful for the time that I knew him.
Bob Ihlenfeldt is still in my thoughts often.
Two years later and the core of the group that attended the funeral is still here on this team.
Two years later and the core of the group’s loyalty to each other is still here.
Two years later and the original vision of this page has been surpassed into something bigger and better.
Two years later and we still owe a huge thank you to Bob.
I miss you, asshole.


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