1306 DOC coming soon (Behind the scenes of Gift of Injury)

1306 Documentary (behind-the-scenes video of Gift of Injury)

This documentary aims to look at the climb to “1306.”

I’m excited to announce that Gift of Injury is now available in five languages! As such, I wanted to create hype, document, compile, and provide context for those who have yet to read the book (McGill Carroll 2017) to create awareness and understand that there is hope for those back injured. Through this doc, I aim to promote the book and help others who have yet to hear of or read Gift of Injury yet to give it a read.

What is the “Gift of Injury?” The book tells how I became back pain-free and rebuilt the machine, why meeting Dr. McGill and adopting his principles changed my life and lifting career, and the how, when, where, and process of going from daily pain and my lifting career being over to becoming the first person to squat 1300lb in a powerlifting competition.

When? Coming soon

What is 1306 about? This video doc is not a substitute for Gift of Injury. Instead, it provides additional video context for the reader who has read Gift of Injury and wants to see video footage of the start (1999), the middle (2013 rebuild), and the end (1306 2020) with a unique inside look as if you trained with me.

I also include a never-before-seen video of me getting back injured during an 1100lb squat and starting over with the bare bar, including behind-the-scenes commentary from myself and several training partners and friends who gave their perspectives throughout the different seasons of my 21 years of competing in powerlifting. Most don’t know that I had a severe squat accident in 2011, which I have footage included in this story, as well as tearing off my biceps five weeks before my last meet in 2020, nonetheless still squatting 1300.

When I started over with just the bar in 2013, I wanted to show different perspectives from those around me. Video footage displays the slow progressions, changes, wins, and losses on the squat collectively from 1999 to 2020. Specifically, during this rebuilding time in 2013, my commentary on the physical, mental, and spiritual journey over the next 7 years and what this means to me then and now, retired and 100% good walking away from the game pain and symptom-free.


Quote from my strength training book 10/20/Life 

“Call it under-recovery, under-resting, over-peaking, CNS over-stimulation, but regardless of name, overtraining does exist.”

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at PowerRackStrength.com
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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