13 Jul Byrd: Bench Training with Video
Finally broke the 2,500 total mark at the Arnold, but like any lifter I feel there is more left in the tank. Currently training for the RPS South Florida Conquest on September 3rd. I will be lifting in the 275 class against several other solid lifters. I will need to have a solid meet, but I have high expectations of a good PR total!
[wa-wps]This was week one back in my bench shirt. I needed to get use to the feel of heavy weights but not stress my body too much. We laid out a plan of a few doubles off the 3board, then a single from the 2board. The Florida heat was nasty, and it limited the amount of time I wanted to spend in my gear. I opted to make some bigger jumps, and focus a little more on additional triceps work.
Shirt sets
1×2@550 3board
1×2@710 3board
1×1@750 2board
Aux work
3×8 incline dumbbell extensions
3×8 band flys
100 band push downs.
Everything moved really well. I will look to be around the 800s for the next few weeks and hope to finish in the high 700s at the meet. I am feeling healthy and strong, just need to put some more time under the bar!

Jonathan Byrd

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