Contest prep peak week

I’m getting ready now to head to Milwaukee in a couple hours to check in for the show tomorrow. This prep has been great so far and it’s been both climactic and anti climactic at the same time.

Climactic because I’ve seen such rapid changes in just a few weeks, and I’ve been steadily dropping a little weight this week so that I’m only slightly above 198.25 for the light heavy class now.

Anti climactic because I haven’t changed much. My diet has been the same for several weeks and my body keeps responding. I’m getting 300 g protein and 250 g carbs each day, consisting of grits and egg whites, chicken and rice and tilapia and sweet ‘taters. Overall it’s been an awesome experience and Noel has been keeping me patient and relaxed the whole time. We’ve been checking in daily and he just has me stay the course and not worry about things.

Everyone expects to suffer in bodybuilding getting ready for the show. Sure, I have cravings, but overall this is the best I’ve felt, the best I’ve looked and the simplest approach I’ve taken. A lot of people look great the week before and week after the show, but they try all sorts of new and fancy things the week of that they were never doing during their prep. It’s the same in powerlifting, how many people try something weird the last couple weeks and end up short changing themselves because they got in their own head.

Consistency is key my friends. I’ll keep updating as these couple days go on and hopefully I’ll have some good news by Saturday night!

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Tucker Loken is a Bodybuilder turned Powerlifter turned Powerbuilder from Eugene, Oregon. He did his first bodybuilding show when he was still in high school, and has been training male and female competitors for shows since 2011. Several years ago he decided to take a step away from his normal routine and learn how to get strong. He worked with Brian for 9 months, added 200 pounds to his raw total and qualified as an Elite lifter in the 220 pound weight class. He returned back to bodybuilding much stronger and now incorporates the 10/20/Life philosophy into his training to keep himself healthy and making continual progress in the Big 3 as well as adding size and shaping his physique. Now part of Team PRS, he brings his unique expertise of nutritional knowledge and how to balance Bodybuilding with Powerlifting to help athletes achieve their best potential.
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