27 Jun 6/25/14 – Offseason Week 4, day 3 – Squat/DL assistance and an AWESOME video of two of the best lifters EVER
I’m currently in an off-season training mode, and I’m looking to do a meet in the fall. Bodyweight is currently down to 270 from 293 and I want to continue becoming more healthy and active (walking a mile per day) and eventually get back into a precontest prep by August 2014. Best official equipped lifts in competition are 1185 squat, 825 bench, 800 deadlift with a 2730 total.
Mcgill Big 3
KB Swing
Last part of my little deload. I’m still having some issues with my left lat, which has now crept into my triceps and is super tight. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but for now, I’m going to avoid chins. I wanted to hammer some upper back and Hams as I move forward into a more traditional block of offseason training.
Goblet Squat
Lat pull-down
Rack Barbell row *
Sumo Shrug
3×10 DOH
One leg GM
Hammer Curl
Rolling plank
* I like squeezing these as hard as I can, and control it instead of swinging it.
Par for the course. Nothing special, but I can tell you this; being 20lb lighter I feel like a MILLION BUCKS. Mentally, physically and just overall just better and more healthy. I know to a certain extent my strength will suffer, but I can fix that.
I’m really looking forward to getting under some weight on Saturday. Looks like a meet in October is the plan. More info to follow very soon.
I know the language barrier is in full effect here, but this video is awesome. Two of the greatest lifters in the world, and EVER for that matter.
https://youtu.be/iUetmECMRyc [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]

Brian Carroll

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