Brian Carroll | Arnold XPC/RPS US Open Training | Week 6 | Day 2 & 3



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I’m about 4.5 weeks out from the Arnold & 11.5 out from the RPS US Open and am knee-deep in peaking phase.

Live stream #1

4 weeks out: Heavy Bench vs bands!

Posted by Jonathan Byrd on Monday, February 1, 2016

Live stream #2

Load the bar: 700-800 plus bands

Posted by Jonathan Byrd on Monday, February 1, 2016

Load the bar: 700-800 plus bands

Posted by Jonathan Byrd on Monday, February 1, 2016

[column type=”one-half”][image type=”none” float=”none” src=”” link=”true” href=”” title=”Ultimate Back Fitness” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”][/column] [column type=”one-half” last=”true”][image type=”none” float=”none” src=”” link=”true” href=”” target=”blank” info=”tooltip” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=”Sample”][/column]

Monday, Paul Key wanted Byrd and I to work on our lockout some. So we added a light band to our bench press and went with it on a 2bd. Next week, we will work a 1bd just the same and then ditch the band.

Normal warm-up which you can read about HERE McGill Big 3

All with band, and with a 2bd
Added shirt

DONE. These did feel good and each set I feel like I got more ‘locked & Dug in’ and more comfortable.

Incline DB press: 3×15
Bench dip: 3×15
Band fly: 3×15
Band press-down: 100

Happy with the session. But not satisfied. Next week will be a little more telling, so far so good.

Wed *(last night) – Squat/DL assistance:
A. Band fly: 3×15
B. McGill chins: 20
C. DOH shrugs: top set of 455×5 – grip is improving!
D. 2-arm KB swing: 3×10
E. One leg calf raise: 3×15
F. Bulgarian Split squat: 3×15 – piston style

I called it there, as I have a big 2 weeks coming up. I did skip rowing this day, to rest. My upper back was still fried from bending the bar so much on bench. Feeling very good.

This weekend will be an in-between week. Due to scheduling and such, I will make this weekend very low volume and work up to about my last warm-up on both the squat and dead and shut it down. Next week will be the heaviest of the whole cycle.

This is one of my favorite songs that was playing during the writing of this log

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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