29 Jul Brian Carroll – Catching up – Week 5 squat/Charleston Seminar
NOTE: These Pink Tanks that Lisa and Beth are sporting will be loaded this evening on the site! Keep an eye on them!
I’m less than 5 weeks out from the NJ Battle at the Boardwalk meet where quite a few lifters from the team will be competing. This should be a great time! I’ll be lifting in the 242 weight class.
I’ve come full circle and am back with Inzer Advance Designs, just like I was from 2006-2009 where I did some of my best lifting ever. I’m very excited about the opportunities this brings me and my team.
I’m after the total record at 242 of 2695, and squat record of 1140. My best total ever is 2730, and best squat ever is 1185 – my best individual lifts combined are low to mid 2800’s at 275. My best total at 242 is 2610 and I will be adding to that very soon.
See all these 10/20/Life t-shirts and hoodies in picture above! You can order them HERE
New NEXT LEVEL Guys & Girls Shirts NOW loaded HERE
I sorda changed races while gone in mexico…..
Wednesday of last weeek I had just returned from vacation, then immediately it was time to ship out to Charleston on Thursday for a 10/20/Life Seminar. Sorry for the delay but I’m getting caught up now! I got as much done as possible on Wednesday!
Vacation went very well and was right what I needed to rest, recover and reboot. I had a great time with Ria as we met many cool people in Cancun at a sick resort that had top shelf drinks and great food (all-inclusive). And sushi! Haha Can’t beat that. I’ve actually talked to a few of my guy friends since and want to plan a guy’s trip to a resort like this to blow off some steam eventually.
I didn’t drink any absurd amounts while partying but I did eat a LOT of good food but didn’t really bloat too bad since I’m staying pretty lean. Thankfully I was not a water buffalo upon returning.
This is the type of trip I need to take about 3x per year and get away from everything! I really don’t know how my wife Ria puts up with me for long periods of time without a break like this but she somehow does it. Thank you Ria.
We returned late Tuesday night and after taking about a full week off of training (deload) I started back very light on Wednesday night with some upper back and ham work. I didn’t push too hard since Friday was a big squat day and just moved some blood around.
It was good to be home but by the time I was remotely settled in, it was time to pack up and go swing by to get Byrd for the Charleston Trip/seminar. Byrd and I had some really good talks about training and this meet on the way up and it was a good time.
We were both very ready to squat!
Friday was squat day. We were all slated to take some openers + on this day and I was very excited to be training with Scott, Beth, Will, Byrd, Lisa and whoever else wanted to jump in.
Scott ended up taking around a 675 squat in wraps, Beth an alltime PR squat of 500, Byrd Smashing a 1005 second attempt like an empty bar, Will K Pulling his 600 like an opener and Lisa making messes and crushing everything she touched.
Here is how my day went:
Normal Warm-up
Body weight squats
McGill Big 3
One Leg GM
Added briefs
705×1 – added wraps
850×1 – full gear
950×1 – full gear, last warm-up
1055 – full gear, opener
Deadlift: 605×1 – 2 singles (last warmup)
All in all a good session. I had a couple of self-inflicted issues but I made it through with minimal damage. Squats felt good and the deads not so much. I have a few issues to hammer out as I transition into the new Inzer Deadlift gear but nothing I haven’t dealt with before. It’s me adjusting, and nothing more.
I’m very happy with how my squat feels at this point in training (5 weeks out) vs the last 2 training cycles where I had all sorts of issues in the squat. I should have no issues going over 1100 again, thankfully. And I know my Deadlift will be there when I need it – at the meet.
The rest of the weekend went very well as my teammates are some of my best friends and I’m very grateful that they are on board and believe in me so much. Thank you Beth, Scott, Byrd, Lisa and Todd.
Many great attendees and participants this seminar and I felt like they got what they came for. Special thanks to Will, Scott and Matt for having us up!
I’ll update bench very soon from this Monday.

Brian Carroll

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