10 Jul Brian Carroll | Precontest Week 3, day 3 & 4 | Assistance
I’m after the total record at 242 of 2695, and squat record of 1140. My best total ever is 2730, and best squat ever is 1185 – my best individual lifts combined are low to mid 2800’s at 275. My best total at 242 is 2610 and I will be adding to that very soon.
My next meet is RPS Meet August 29, in Atlantic City, NJ. I’ll be lifting at 242.
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Still a good week going. Rest is good, and so is recovery. I hate when this happens but when I’m pushing the squat, bench and deadlift hard (like the last few weeks) I have to tone down the intensity level on my assistance days to ensure proper recovery. This is why a proper offseason is super important.
Ever notice that the words “offseason” and “attacking weak points” is now very popular topics and thrown around all over? Wonder why? Read any of the ‘popular’ ebooks prior to 10/20/life and see if these word/terms were used in powerliftting jargon very much. Maybe here and there but not like now.
Actually, I’ve noticed this myself, but teammate Brian Hopper pointed it out to me! LEL.
I’m not saying I invented this at all. I’m simply saying its now more cool, accepted as the norm and popular, brah.
Back to training…
Wednesday, Squat & DL Assistance – again, this is not a SUPER heavy day. Some days are going to be heavier than others but when the intensity goes up on the big 3 as we move toward a meet, this intensity has to go down a little on the assistance for me.
Normal warm-up
McGill big 3
Band fly
McGill chins: lots of clusters..
Barbell Rack Row: 5×5
Snatch grip Shrug: 3×15
One Leg KB GM: 3×15
Hammer curl: 3×15
McGill Crunch…
Lots of rolling to work on the tightness in my lateral quads..
Thursday – Fluff & Buff..
Normal warmup
McGill Big 3
Band fly
Band fly: 3×15
Band skull: 3×15
Super High Incline DB press: 5×10
Super set: Bench dip/Band press-down: 3×15
McGill Crunch: 10×10 sec hold
More rolling later quad/ITB
Feeling good overall! I have to say I’m happy with how everything is going and how I feel. Of course, I have a couple aches from time to time but I’m 100% pain free day to day which is a blessing. Huge blessing.
I have some big lifts to take on week 4, then week 5 is a nice deload… thank GOD.
How I go about big weeks like this coming week 4: The day and night prior – I go through every possible outcome mentally… from how I might feel in the morning, during the session, possible plan B {not aborting the session lel} and so forth. I’ve been doing this for years. For me, it works.
It’s just how I operate. I hate getting blindsided and or being underprepared for sessions so I try to stay ahead of the curve and plan mentally & physically.
I imagine how certain weights will feel as I’m warming up and how light they will feel.
The plan for tomorrow (Saturday -starting week 4):
Squat –
Last warm-up for a single or 2 – 930-950
Opener for a single – 1025-1050
Second with a band – high 1000’s or so…
Dead –
Between last warm-up and opener for doubles, so mid 600’s for some reps.
Bench (Monday) – Lots of 2 board work for doubles and then some lower board work depending on how the shirt treats me with the adjustments made.
Once I get through this, I’ll have a break until July 25 weekend where we will be hosting the seminar at Low Country Strength! Byrd and I will be taking some big weights this weekend in a great gym with awesome people.
Brian Carroll
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