Brian Carroll – Week 1 RPS Training

I just finished competing in the XPC Arnold Finals where I didn’t have a great showing and missed a few lifts. This left me in Second place overall.

I jumped right back into training – here is a quick update as to what my training has looked like the last week. To be honest, I’m super motivated but super beat up – it’s good to get your ass kicked on occasion. I’ll explain more later in my log below and more over the next couple of days, just hang in there for me.

BTW – I don’t suggest jumping right back into training after a tough meet BUT I needed to get to work on a few things named below.

Saturday 3/12

Squat in briefs up to 705 for a couple of singles
Leg presses a TON.
Bulgarian splits.. A ton
Core work

Monday 3/14
Benched in new shirt a few sets and felt like death, but got some work in. Nothing too important.

Random assistance work.

Wed 3/16 again, more quad work and upper back work

Sat 3/19
Squat in briefs:
705 – 2 singles
800 – 1 single

6″ block pull: RPE 7 double
leg press: LOTS
random core work

Monday 3/21
Shirted up in new SDP bench shirt. working out some kinks but here is what I did.

First I did some lockout work… Felt pretty good, but pretty beat up.

550×2 – 3bd
635×2 – 3bd
680×2 – 3bd
705×2 – 3bd

Random assistance, was pretty smoked at this point.

OVERVIEW: I’m making some adjustments to my training that i feel will put me in a good place for the RPS meet in 5 weeks. Namely, quad work (my quads weren’t snappy at the meet) and bench form/touching. I wasn’t too far off at the XPC but I didn’t really come in the way I wanted to as far as being ready. With that said, the US open has a nice payday I’d like to win. That influenced me quite a bit.

I’ll have a better showing in 5 weeks, I’m pretty sure.

The way the weeks worked out, I needed to get to work right away so I could get some really heavy work for about 2 weeks in a row, taken an opener then deload. Yes, I feel like trash right now but in 2 weeks, I should feel great. I just have to suck it up for a couple more days.

We have to work with what we have and right now I’m paying the price a little bit! haha

Diet has been garbage, that changes TODAY. BW was 263 at night last night. A little light!

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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