Brian Carroll | Week 3 day 1 & 2 (bench and squat)| RPS Redemption

Photog Credit: MoneyMakrmike


I just finished competing at the RPS US Open in San Diego, CA April 23 where I won the equipped overall best lifter with a 1091 squat, 788 bench and a 771 dead for a 2651 total – second alltime at 242.I took a week off from training and now ramping up for the RPS Redemption meet 5/28/16 where I will compete at 242 again, along with a few other teammates on

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Last week was kinda messed up due to travel I had to turn around and squat on Wed after benching monday and squatting and pulling on Saturday. I know 100% that going back to back meets and moving training down is NOT ideal. Well aware of this, just doing my best to make things happen.

Normal warm-up as usual
KB Swings
McGill Big 3
Band shoulder dislocations/goblets
Empty bar

Bench * new SDP
added shirt at 405 – 5bd
500×3 – 4bd
605×2 -3bd/2bd
700×1 – 1bd – arms were toast.

Incline DB press: 3×15
Bench dip: 3×15
Hex DB hold: 5 sets 10sec hold
Hammer curl: 3×15

Lots of Motion Medicine on my forearms and biceps. I feel great minus my arms hurting from time to time. I had a phone call with Dr. Stu Mcgill and told him this about my arms and how I feel 100% and the only complaint I had. I haven’t ever heard him laugh so hard. hahahah

The shirt is breaking in nicely. Excited for this.


Wed I had to get my squat and dead session in before leaving town. Not ideal, again.

700×1 – briefs
820×1 – suit
930×1 – last warm-up
1020 – opener RB

625 – couple of singles

Stir the pot: 100.

Feeling quite sick during this session as I was coming down with some flu like crap. I made it through, just barely haha. Thanks to the guys for coming out and helping on an odd day.

I have one more session left in both the squat, dead and bench. I need to survive this for another few days and then I can rest! whew.

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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