Brian Carroll Week 3, Offseason – Fluff and Buff


The book above “back mechanic” is a GREAT book that I read recently by Dr. McGill. Anyone that could potentially suffer from back pain should buy and read this book. Its very easy to understand and gives you the tools to be your own ‘Back Mechanic’. You can get it HERE

I just finished competing at the RPS Conquest Meet on 10/3/15 where I squatted 1100, benched 780 and pulled 760 for a 35lb squat PR and a 30lb total PR with a 2640tot for second alltime.

Am I happy with the results? NO, but I’m content for now. I realize I have a few things I need to work on going forward as well as some things to dial in.

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I’m doing a LOT of rehab work lately with no bar in my hands or on my back pretty much. I’ve been doing a crap load of McGill big 3 every day as well as stir the pot and rolling the crap out of my ITB/lateral quads and hips.

I didn’t train last weekend but I did get in more than a few days this week. Felt very good.

Here is what my week looked like –

Monday – bench training

Normal warm-up
McGill big 3
Band fly
Band press-down

DB press: 3×15
Incline DB press with band: 3×15
Driggers press: 3×16
Bench dip: 3×15
Hammer curl: 3×15
Explosive Push-up: 3×15

Had Danny Bellmore in town for a few training sessions and they went well! Danny squatted and pulled on this night and did very well! We dialed in a few things with his new Leviathan and pulled in it for the first time. Byrd, Adam, Clint and myself gave a few suggestions on the dead and squat and think we came out a little better than when we started.

Wednesday training – Squat /DL assistance

Normal warm-up
McGill big 3
Band fly

McGill chins: 20 singles
Barbell Rack row: 3×5
2-arm KB swing: 3×12 SS DB shrug
Bulgarian split squat: 3×10
DOH barbell shrug: 3×10
Rolling Plank: 30

Great session on Wednesday! Danny was benching and there was a NICE energy in the gym. Danny’s bench looked great. Byrd and I adjusted a few things here and there for his bench but overall he was right where he needed to be.


Normal Warm-up
McGill big 3
Band fly

Incline DB press: 3×10
Band fly: 3×15
Bench dip: 3×15
Hammer curl: 3×15

Overall, I’m feeling good. Body weight is too high and I’m fat. I’m sitting at 269 in the am, so I need to get it down a few notches!

Have a lifter lifting in SPF meet in Daytona. Byrd and I will be heading down there to help coach him!

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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