21 Nov Byrd: Heavy Squats and Benches
Offseason is in full swing, with goals of bringing up some weak points and getting healthy! So far the body weight is up and body is healing nicely. Currently no meets in the near future, but still lots of big goals.
[wa-wps]Guess who is health(ish) and finally carrying some bodyweight?
Things are moving in the right direction, and I am finally feeling good. The goal these two weeks was to adjust a little more to gear, and make sure everything is in order to start meet prep in a few weeks. I want to make sure my body is at least starting to adjust to the pressure and that I dont need to order any new gear. Breaking in gear during prep sucks, and often makes me feel like I am losing ground in a training cycle.
Bench: Goal was to handle some weights off the 3board. I wasnt sure exactly how heavy I would go, was just going to work until things didnt move well anymore.
3×10 @ bar
3×5 @140
2×4@ 230
shirt on
550×1 3board
645×1 3board
700×1@ 3board
770×1@ 3board
820×1 @ 3board shaky lockout.
I did 3×25 band extensions and called it a day here.
Aux Day:
5×5 paused rows
5×8 shrugs
3×20 face pulls
3×20 hammer curls
3×20 band push downs
Squat day: The goal here was to try a new combination of gear and handle some weights!
Raw till mid 400s
briefs on- singles
suit on
1005 rb
Everything moved well, really happy here.
4in block pulls with briefs: These briefs were too much.
2×1@585…..yeah these sucked!

Jonathan Byrd

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