20 Mar Byrd: I like it Raw
Well the Arnold has come and gone. There was some good, and some bad, but always fun! Now its time for the painful shit! Lots of raw work and there will be no belt in my future. I am just going to focus on bringing up my strength all over, getting the body weight back down, and just having some fun in the gym.
[wa-wps]Let the pain train start now! Long story short I am going to punish myself for missing a 1k squat. No reason for that other than not taking care of my own shit. Guess I needed a swift kick in the ass, and I sure as hell got it. So the plan over the next few weeks is to eliminate majority of the gear, I will keep the sleeves because I am a wussy.
Bench this week
4×5 pause at 225
This was the last of my deload since the meet.
Aux day
3×20 leg extensions
3×15 sissy squats
3×10 narrow stance leg press
3×20 piston squats (this hurt like hell)
Squat/Deadlift day
Camber bar
3×5 pause squats
2×5 narrow deep squats
3×3 conventional deads from 4in block
Good start for week one, I will build on this each week. No real meet plans in sight, and I am forcing myself not to compete for awhile.

Jonathan Byrd

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