13 Sep Byrd: Meet Report Part 1
Another meet done with no major injuries. At this point in my lifting, I have to admit that avoiding major injuries is a huge part of competing haha! My original plan was to take off Thursday and Friday during the week of the meet, but some work things complicated that part of the plan. I was lucky enough to have my gf Liz to make it down for my meet. I worked part of the day Thursday and then we made the 5 hour drive down to Ft Myers.
[wa-wps]There were a lot of question marks going into this meet. I had not squatted for 5 weeks and had not deadlifted but one time the entire training cycle. I have some major issues going on with my quad tendon and a tear in my groin, all on my left leg. I was unsure if I would be able to lift, and really did not have high expectations. I took as much care of myself as I could leading into the meet, and got weekly massage and graston work. On a positive note I didn’t need to cut any weight, as I was sitting right around 272. I had worked really hard to try and gain weight during the prep, but my job does not allow for much time to eat, and keeps me walking for about 7 miles per day on average.
Once we finally made it down to Ft. Myers, Liz and I checked into the hotel and just relaxed. We decided to just get some food from the hotel restaurant and watch some tv. I had a pretty crazy week at work, so just being away was a good start! I was lucky that the stress from the work week and everything was behind me, and was able to get a good night sleep.
Friday morning I woke up early, showered, and headed down to weigh myself. I was 272.2 so easily under, but now it’s where all the fun begins! We all got together as a group and headed down to Cracker Barrel. I hate to the point I was near exploding and then got an extra meal to go. We got back to the hotel room and I took my IV to try and help my bloat. After a quick nap I called in a delivery order to a local Chinese restaurant. $30 later, I really could feel the bloat working. My favorite quote from the weekend came from my girlfriend as she said “I can see your skin changing colors.” Yep I am on track! For dinner we went to the Mexican place across the street (cant remember the name) with Brian, Ria, Jason, and Channing. I checked my weight and was over 290 before bed. I don’t like to weigh myself on meet day, but I am sure a good bit came off as fluids.
I like to get up early on meet day, shower, and eat a good breakfast. I let Liz sleep in some as I like to be alone at times to clear my head. I know I am difficult to deal with, even more so on meet day, but she really did an amazing job. I bring tons of equipment with me to meets, so I get to the warm up room early and take over a large area. I have always done this, and it serves me well. I was in the second flight, and for the first time in a while I wasn’t ending the squat flight. I opened light because I was unsure how things might go. I put in a 944 opener, which was the lowest I have opened with in almost a year. I knew I would need a safe number, I honestly had no idea how my leg would react.
Warm ups felt pretty good, and when I got my briefs on I could tell that I was much heavier than I had been during the training cycle. Warm ups went like this
Mcgill Crunch, Birddogs, goblet squats, and a few basic static stretches for my troubled areas.
Briefs on
1×2@ 515 getting briefs set
1×1@ 605
At the 605 I could really tell the squats would move fast. I had issues getting to depth and was pretty explosive. That is a good sign for me.
Suit on
Relax and get ready for the platform.
The 944 attempt was to just get me adjusted to the platform, and if my leg blew off then it wouldn’t be 1,000lbs the spotters had to catch haha! Lucky for me it went well, and had solid speed on it. I asked Brian to take me to a low 1000, which he did. 1003 as my 2nd attempt, would also give me my 9th ever 1k squat in a meet. Set up was good and depth wasn’t an issue, but I did start to get sleepy on the way up. I had to fight Jesus for the wheel and stay awake long enough to finish the lift. This is where the meet got a little interesting. There was 5 total people in the 275 class, and all solid lifters. Allen and Joe had both opened heavier than me. Joe missed his opener but came back and got 955 on a second. Allen, who I expected to have a big day hit his opener 988 and then missed his second attempt at 1018.
So at this point I had a small lead and felt good that I could stay ahead the rest of the way even on just openers. Brian put in 1030 for my 3rd but I wasn’t sold on taking it. Well that all changed when Allen smoked the 1018 on his second attempt. At this point I had to flip the switch and figure out how to squat again! With him leading out of the squat I didn’t want to play catch up. I am glad he put the pressure on me, as the 1030 was one of my best reps at that heavy of a weight. I did a much better job sitting back and committing to the squat. My quads are currently my weak point and the squat slowed at the top, but still a nice smooth lift and a 15lb PR in the 275 class! I could now take a breather and relax for a few before the bench!
Just after my last squat attempt! I am not sure who was more happier…me that I hit a big squat or Liz that I didnt get hurt!
I will have part two up later in the week!

Jonathan Byrd

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