22 Sep Byrd: Meet Report part 2: 2462 Total
After the squat I really just needed to kick back and relax, but the meet was moving quickly. I was able to get a little food in me, and spend some time talking with my team before I had to start the warm up for the bench. With the meet being pretty close, I knew I would need to bench well to make sure I had a nice lead going into the deadlift. My bench had been pretty consistent through the training cycle, but I was not hitting big PRs. I knew that an 800 bench was out of question, but I thought a mid 700 would be safe and with a good press a 770 number would go.
[wa-wps]Warm ups felt pretty good, but I was not getting as much leg drive as I normally do. Obviously the squat took a good bit out of me, but I still felt like I was in good shape. I warmed up to 400s raw then moved to my shirt. Took 550 from the 3 board, 650 to the 2 board, 680 to the one board, and was ready for the platform.
My opener was set at 722, set up was solid, lift out was good, but just didn’t have a ton of drive from the bottom. Really missed the groove but was strong enough to finish the rep. So we are in the meet and have a nice lead on everyone at this point. Brian took me to 755 which was a 5lb pr and would put me in a position to try and pass Steve Goggins on the all time total list with a GREAT deadlift for me. Brian took me to 771. This was a big lift for me. A nice size PR, but also put me in good position to make a big splash on the all time list. Lift out was solid but my set up was a little off. I misgrooved it some and with a PR weight, you just cant do that. Lost the lift about ¾ of the way up. I am still pretty happy with the 755 and will continue to build on that. Not bad for a guy with one working boob!
Deadlift warm ups were interesting. These were the first pulls in 8 weeks, and shocking they were not too bad! Worked up to 600 in the warm up room and knew that my 677 opener wouldn’t be an issue. Went out there, tighten the straps and pulled the 677 with pretty damn good speed. Here is where we faced the choice, and to me there was no real question. I could take a number and break 2500 again and take a small PR, or save my energy and go for the top 20 total. My leg and deadlift were just not up to taking the 744 for a ride. Both died at about my knee level, just wasn’t healthy or strong enough overall.
With that said I was still pleased with the day. 1030-755-677 for a 2462 total with only hitting 6 lifts. For me to hit the number I want I will need to hit at least 7 if not 8 lifts on meet day. It is something I really need to focus and work on. Still need to improve my overall strength, quad, tricep, and back work will be a big focus. The biggest thing for me is to get healthy!
Once again I had a great time at another fun RPS meet put on my Burt and Mindy Underwood. This was actually a nice milestone for me as I hit my 9th and 10th 1k plus squat. I will never be known as a great lifter, but I have been consistent for years, and that’s more than most will ever be able to say. I want to thank Brian Carroll and Team PRS. Without Brian’s help I wouldn’t be in Inzer gear, the best there is on the market, or have the support system it takes to be a high level lifter. Adam Driggers and the rest of Team Samson for helping prepare me in the gym. Lisa and Traci it was great to join you guys on the platform! Ria Carroll is always such a big help, and I probably don’t think her enough. Runs the booth, takes videos, makes sure everyone is ok, and countless other things that most people just don’t notice. Thank you for everything you do. Liz Parkerson for being there for me on meet day. I am a difficult person, much less on meet day! Thanks for not thinking I’m a mad man haha!

Jonathan Byrd

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