Carbicide and post comp blues


Carbicide –

Well, I kept it in check pretty well right after the show. I wasn’t very depleted and I hadn’t dieted for very long so I didn’t feel much cravings. I had a big scramble the next morning and some pizza with friends that night, and then some little goodies for the next few days….. And then I went a little too hard. I had gotten a gift of assorted full sized M&M packs (peanut of course), and I ended up putting down 4 of those in one day. Add to that an Oreo blizzard from DQ, a huge bowl of popcorn that night and then a few other regular meals during the day and you’ve got a pretty good amount of calories.

I felt absolutely terrible the whole next day. It was like a hangover with a foggy head, head ache and lethargy. I was surprised because I’ve never had it that bad before, but man was that awful.

Not only did I feel bad, I looked bad too. My face was fuller, waist wider and everything looked soft. I went from 202 a couple days before to 212 after all the junk food, and it showed big time.

I’ve cleaned up the diet and I’m eating clean besides 1-2 snacks each day of something tasty,  and I’m making sure to time it around my workouts so that it goes to fuel rather than being stored.


Post comp blues –

This happens every time. You take a few days off or workout light after a show or meet and since you don’t have anything immediately to focus on or keep you mentally engaged, you start to feel lackluster. I wasn’t depressed, more just a little bit unsettled or anxious feeling going from being organized and rigid in a plan for a while and then being totally free.  I’ll give myself a couple more days to rest and relax and then hop back on the clean eating groove.

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Tucker Loken is a Bodybuilder turned Powerlifter turned Powerbuilder from Eugene, Oregon. He did his first bodybuilding show when he was still in high school, and has been training male and female competitors for shows since 2011. Several years ago he decided to take a step away from his normal routine and learn how to get strong. He worked with Brian for 9 months, added 200 pounds to his raw total and qualified as an Elite lifter in the 220 pound weight class. He returned back to bodybuilding much stronger and now incorporates the 10/20/Life philosophy into his training to keep himself healthy and making continual progress in the Big 3 as well as adding size and shaping his physique. Now part of Team PRS, he brings his unique expertise of nutritional knowledge and how to balance Bodybuilding with Powerlifting to help athletes achieve their best potential.
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