By: Daniel Dalenberg Man, I have had an awful day/week/month. I need to get in the gym and destroy some weights to work off this bad mood. I need to compete soon, I can’t...

Crossfit has brought the power lifts, squat (sometimes bench), and the deadlift to the mainstream public. Do you hear that? It's not just cool to press anymore. Everyone is squatting, but too many...

By: 10/20/Journalist Because it’s what we do, the PRS team had to finish out 2015 with a bang. Or six meets, either way. A number of us qualified for the XPC Finals at the...

By: Brian Carroll For the fool-proof guide of cutting weight –get my “cutting weight” Ebook HERE.  1. Making weight too early. This is a big one – suffering and being too dehydrated for far...

By: Will Kuenzel This is one that very often gets people confused and frustrated. I’m a competitive Powerlifter and my sport is lifting weights. In the offseason, for me, it’s a lot of anything...

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