By: Lisa Guggisberg I think it is safe to argue that powerlifting is a growing as a sport. I love that the sport is growing and becoming appealing to a younger crowd. Young blood...

By: Will Kuenzel I guess with an intro you start at the beginning. I was a pole vaulter before anything. During my first track practice as a high school freshman I was sent over...

By: Paul Oneid? This is a really tough question to answer, but I will give it a try. I started competing in powerlifting while I was an intern strength and conditioning coach at the University...

By: Daniel Dalenberg I’ve lifted raw almost my entire powerlifting career. I started out raw and trained that way for several years before ever touching a piece of powerlifting gear. In college, I lived...

By: Danny Vega In June of 2014, I decided I would ditch my wraps and get stronger in just sleeves. It was an opportunity to strengthen my quads and develop some strength out of...

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