By: Lisa Guggisberg As a female powerlifter one of the most recurrent questions I am asked is “What do you eat?” or “What is your diet?” I am usually hesitant to answer this question...

By: Jonathan Byrd Name me another sport that you can show up and compete a few times and all of a sudden you are an expert coach? There isn’t any, and powerlifting sure as...

By: Jonathan Byrd I have been coaching in some shape or form since 2005. I got my start by helping run the weight room at the high school I was coaching at. Now of...

By: Dan Dalenberg If you have followed along with the Power Rack Strength team, read 10/20/Life or paid much attention to what Brian has been preaching, you have surely noticed that a big part...

By: Danny Vega One major pet peeve that I share with my wife is when people are incapable of being honest with themselves. I see it all the time, in several different situations. Somewhere...

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