By: Brian Carroll I’m not a diet or nutrition expert. My knowledge is more anecdotal than research-based, and what I know, I know through the work and recommendations of people far more well-versed in...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]By: Brian Carroll (originally released in April 2014) Before this past year, I’d spent at least three or four years dealing with some serious back issues that...

To build a big bench press, you need to work your pressing from various angles, grips, and setups. Today, we’re going to look at board pressing—another powerlifting technique you see people doing everywhere,...

Even if you’re doing it all yourself, as discussed earlier, you can still get phenomenal results by simply investing in a power rack and some weight for your garage....

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