27 Oct Chris Bartl Training Log Update
I had a lot going on this week so I missed a couple days of posting. Between moving back to into Santa Barbara, drinking a ton of good craft beers and eating In and Out and pizza….I’m just glad the weekend is over so I can start to settle in to my new place.
There is no real point in getting in to to much detail about what went on and I only got video of my deed’s. This offseason has come at a perfect time. Between life and business getting extremely stressful this time of year, it’s nice to have to really be worried about the stress of a meet or my weight for that matter, which is why I’ve been enjoying beer and terrible food for a couple weeks. I did reach out to Brian about dialing in the nutrition so look for that to start up in the next week or so.
In a nutshell, here is what went down:
lots of core work, lots of triceps and I benched. Took a competition grip and went for a top set of 4 with a RPE of 7. Ended up hitting 315 for this which I was pleased about. Also, kept up with the calf rehab and bike sprints. Felt this would be the last week on the bike and would like to start running next week.
lots of core work, more calf rehab and more core work. I also deadlifted. I was not happy with how I pulled the last week, so I spoke with my accountability partner and he told me just what I needed to hear. So I felt better pulling today. Conventional is not my normal stance to to hit 455×4 with plenty left in the tank, I am quite pleased with. Calf felt great today but bike sprints have made me walk like I had a stick up my ass.
*side note- this day was awesome until I heard about the high school shooting up in Washington. My brother is a police office in that town and was one of the first on the scene. Not going to lie, until I heard that he was okay I was a mess. You never know with high school shootings or any shootings for that matter and when you are dealing with law enforcement as first responders, anything can happen. My brother is my hero and I have looked up to him my entire life, so when I heard about this, my heart dropped to my stomach. He ended up being ok but I was a train wreck for a bit. [share title=”Share this Article” facebook=”true” twitter=”true” google_plus=”true” linkedin=”true” pinterest=”true” reddit=”true” email=”true”][author title=”About the Author”]


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