Dain Soppelsa’s Training Log for the week of 3/27/17

Day 1 Squat/Dead

Warm-up consisting of McGill Big 3 and Goblet squats.

Buffalo Bar Squats RPE 6

worked up to 465 x 3

4″ Block Pulls RPE 6

worked up to 495 x 2

KB Swings

4 x 8

Wide Stance Box Squats

2 x 4

Grip Work


Day 2 Bench

Warm-up consisting of McGill Big 3 and Band flyes

Floor Press w/Swiss Bar RPE 6

245 x 5 x 5

Close Grip 3 Board

275 x 5 x 5

Lat Pulldowns

4 x 8

Band Pushdowns

100 reps


Day 3 Lower Body Assistance

Warm-up consisting of McGill Big 3 and 10 minute walk.

McGill Pull-Ups

1 x 10

Bent Rows

8 x 4


15 x 3

Piston Squats w/ Buffalo Bar

225 x 3 x 5

Bulgarian Squats

15 x 3 sets per leg

Single Leg GM

15 x 3 sets per leg

Planks for time

I feel good about the volume I’m getting in at this point. Getting some traction. Been a busy week. Finally got our Kalamazoo house on the market, so we’re hoping it sells fast and we can move to our Lawrence home soon.

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Dain Soppelsa

Dain comes to the PowerRackStrength Team with many years of competitive experience. He started competing in southwest Michigan in 2001 and has primarily lifted multi-ply since then. He has totaled pro in 3 weight classes; 2304@275, 2435@308 and 2500@SHW. His best lifts include a 1060 squat, 800 bench and 715 deadlift.
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