Ken Whetham: Back to Light Squatting

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It’s been just over 8 weeks since I injured my right knee at the CPF Canadian Nationals.  My knee has been feeling better and I started some light squatting today and everything seems to be on track.

I will definitely be taking it easy and light over the next few weeks to make sure everything is solid before starting anything heavy.

McGill Warmup

SSB Box Squats:

Bar x 10

125 x 8

165 x 5/5/5/5/5/5

Conventional Banded Deadlifts off 2 inch mats with Light Bands

235 x 5

235 + Light Bands



290 x 10/10/10/10/10


That was it for today:  Simple & Light

My knee felt fine after squatting today:  A few more weeks of light training before I’ll plan on doing anything heavy.

SSB Squats

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Ken Whetham

Ken is a full-time Firefighter and Rescue Technician with the Oshawa Fire Department and is a certified Kettlebell Coach and WKC Master Trainer. Ken competed in Kettlebell Sport and won several championships across North America. In 2012, Ken competed in the Firefighter Combat Challenge where he won the Canadian National Championship. Ken trains at his home “Outlaw Powerlifting” gym outside Toronto, Ontario with a team of lifters that train and compete together. Ken is an Elite powerlifter in the 275 and 308 lb weight class and his current best lifts are 940/550/705 and his current goal is to squat 1000 lbs to become one of the few lifters to achieve that goal in their early 50’s.
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