10 Apr Lowcountry Strength, Squat session 10 weeks out
Lowcountry Strength has several members preparing for the June 9th RPS Backyard Bash in Greenville, NC. Meet prep has begun!
Today called for 75% in briefs and suit bottoms. Unfortunately, was rushed for time and had minimal help to get the suit on. Smashed away in the briefs and got it done. Surprisingly easy in just briefs. These new Predators are pretty freaking awesome.
Squats in briefs:
75% for 3 sets of 3
Wide Pause squats in looser briefs:
5×3 at RPE 6
KB swings
36kg for 3 sets of 10
Wide grip pulldowns and reverse curls for 5 sets of 10
Squats are still frustrating me. Set up is better but still missing a component. It’s slowly coming together but just frustrating that it’s not clicking like the bench and deadlift.

Low Country Strength

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