Morgan Colling | Offseason | Week 2 Squat, Bench & Deadlift

I recently competed in the XPC Finals at the Arnold on March 4th in Columbus, OH where I totaled 745 @ 123. I don’t currently have my next meet selected, although I plan on competing at some point this fall. I recently began a long offseason under Brian Carroll’s tutelage.


Tuesday: Squat

  • Warm-up
    • McGill big 3
    • Goblet squats 2×10
    • Hip & shoulder mobility
  • Set work
    • Squat – top set of 6 (RPE 7)
      • 45x2x10
      • 75×6
      • 105×6
      • 135×6
      • 165×6
      • 185×6
    • Front squat 3×6
    • Goblet piston squat 3×15
    • Bulgarian split squat 3×20
    • Band ham curl 3×20
    • Stir the pot x100

I went blonde this week. I’m convinced that blonde is anabolic given my 30# increase on my top set from last week.

I'm getting like rly blonde u guys. @ali__renee is a magician????????????

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Thursday: Bench

  • Warm-up
    • McGill big 3
    • Band flyes 2×10
    • Hip & shoulder mobility
  • Set work
    • Bench – top set of 6 (RPE 7)
      • 45x2x10
      • 65×6
      • 85×6
      • 105×6
      • 115×6
      • 130×6
    • Close-grip 3bd press 3×6
    • DB incline bench 3×15
    • Band fly 3×20
    • Band skull 3×20
    • Stir the pot x100

Saturday: Deadlift

  • Warm-up
    • McGill big 3
    • Glute bridge 2×10
    • Hip & shoulder mobility
  • Set work
    •  Opposite-stance (sumo) deadlift – top set of 6 (RPE 7)
      • 45x2x10
      • 135×6
      • 165×6
      • 195×6
      • 215×6
    • Sumo form pull 50%x5x1
    • McGill chins 10 singles
    • Barbell row 3×10
    • DOH shrug 3×10
    • SL good morning 3×20
    • Stir the pot x100


A word about my sumo pulls: I am a conventional puller. I have no idea what my sumo 1RM is. I was prescribed 50% singles, so just as a guess I’ve been doing 50% of my conventional 1RM for my sumo form pulls. They are moving SUPER quick, which is awesome because my sumo has never been close to my conventional.

I graduated with my Master’s degree over the weekend. “I’m $60K in student loan debt, and all I got was this lousy piece of paper.”

Morgan Colling, MEd, CSCS???? #DEATHBYGRADSCHOOL #ShockerGrad

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Brian Carroll

Owner and Founder at
Brian Carroll is committed to helping people overcome back pain and optimizing lifts and movement. After years of suffering, he met back specialist Prof. McGill in 2013, which led to a life-changing transformation. In 2017, they co-authored the best-selling book "Gift of Injury." On October 3, 2020, Carroll made history in powerlifting by squatting 1306 lbs, becoming the first person to break this record. He retired with a secure legacy and a life free from back pain.
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