Tucker: The ugliest diet face I’ve ever seen

It’s always nice to have honest feedback from a coach. I FaceTimed Noel the other day and that’s the first thing he said to me.

Last week was really tough and it was showing in my face, body and energy levels. I was getting really depleted and just felt crappy overall. Noel’s fix is a little unorthodox but it’s been working…. Burgers. I’m not sure if I’ll have any cravings after the show after this last week haha. I had a burger over the weekend, and another last night. On my non burger days my appetite has been steadily increasing, so we added some food during the week. Some extra carbs and beef has done the trick and I’m up to 300 protein, 300 carbs and 30-40 fats depending on the amount of trace fat in the chicken. I’m finishing my food quick and getting hungry between meals so we may add one more beef and rice meal these next couple days before the show.

Mentally it’s a tough sell when you’re only a few days out and someone says “have a burger”, but I keep looking better each morning so I’m not going to complain.

I got my last two workouts in on Tuesday and Wednesday. They were light and quick with lots of machines and high reps.

Pec flies SS w/ reverse flies
Incline chest press SS w/ machine pulldown
Flat chest press SS w/ machine rows
Decline chest press SS w/ machine low row

Machine shoulder press SS w/ machine side raises
Front/side/rear delt raises
Machine curls SS w/ machine ext
Cable curls SS w/ overhead cable ext
DB curls SS w/ standing cable ext

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Tucker Loken is a Bodybuilder turned Powerlifter turned Powerbuilder from Eugene, Oregon. He did his first bodybuilding show when he was still in high school, and has been training male and female competitors for shows since 2011. Several years ago he decided to take a step away from his normal routine and learn how to get strong. He worked with Brian for 9 months, added 200 pounds to his raw total and qualified as an Elite lifter in the 220 pound weight class. He returned back to bodybuilding much stronger and now incorporates the 10/20/Life philosophy into his training to keep himself healthy and making continual progress in the Big 3 as well as adding size and shaping his physique. Now part of Team PRS, he brings his unique expertise of nutritional knowledge and how to balance Bodybuilding with Powerlifting to help athletes achieve their best potential.
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