19 Jan Tucker Loken – Powerbuilding contest prep
For the last year Danny, Brian and I have been scheming on how to make a hybrid 10/20/Life program that would be accessible for bodybuilders who want to get stronger, and powerlifters who want to work on their physique. After plenty of experimenting on ourselves and our PRS team mates, I think we’ve gotten it down pretty well, and now it’s time to put it into practice with a big test – can you do a contest prep with a 10/20/Life powerbuilding program? I’ll be using our bodybuilding/cutting focused program to see if it can be can successfully, and outlining the results as I go.
My diet is currently being handled by Noel Fuller in Portland, Oregon. Noel has been in the industry for decades and I’ve known him for a few years. I’ve always heard good things about his approach and figured he would be a perfect person to collaborate with for this experiment. For this month I’ll take a few weeks to get back into the swing of things and get some size back, and then he and I will make the call for which show I’ll do in the Spring/early Summer.
Weight change
3lb gain, 217 to 220
Top sets
Squat 5×8, 2 top sets at 315lbs, RPE 6
Deadlift 5×8 2 top sets at 275lbs, RPE 6
Bench 5×8, 2 top sets at 225, RPE 6
Protein 300
Carb 500
Fat 40
This was a great week and it feels good to be officially back in action. After making great gains last year, followed by major setbacks of injury and illness, I took the last couple months of last year to dial in my form, get healthy, and start laying a foundation for things to come. It’s all paid off in a big way. I’m starting slow and the weights are light at first, but that doesn’t mean the workouts are any less fun. If anything, it’s given me a new respect for how much one can actually accomplish in the RPE 6-7 range. I wasn’t very beat up after the big compounds, and had plenty of energy left to get some good bodybuilding work in. Below is what I did on my Bench/Chest day, and what I did for my hypertrophy work for Back and hamstrings.
Warm up with McGill big 3 and 5-10 mins walking on incline
Standing calf raises 20,15,12,10 – drop set
Bench – 5×8, RPE 6
Incline DB press 12,10,8
Wide grip hammer strength press 12,10,8 – drop set
Flat DB flies 15,12,10
Single arm cable flies 15,12,10 – squeeze at peak contraction
6 exercises total
Warm up with McGill big 3 and 5-10 mins stair stepper
Bodyweight pullups – As many as I could get going from a dead stop at the bottom, leaving 1 in the tank for 3-4 sets, changing grip each time
Single arm Hammer strength reverse grip pulldown – 12,10,8
Single arm Hammer strength side pulldown – 15,12,10 – extra self assisted reps on the last set (I just reached over and used my other hand to help with the working arm was failing)
Hammer strength low rows 12,10,8
DB row 15,12,10
DB stiff leg deadlift – 12,10,8
Single leg seated hamstring curl – 15,12,10 – squeeze at peak contraction
7 exercises total

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