Tucker: Taking shape again

This week was where things began to break through again. My body has begun to harden up and volumize. I gained like 6 lbs the first week, and then since I’ve been gaining about 1-2 lb per week, so I’m just over 200lbs now…. A far cry from 235 or so last year, but the best thing this whole year has taught me is patience.

After watching my body completely change within 4-6 weeks several times now, mentally I’m very relaxed with the situation. There’s only so much in my control, the most important pieces being sleep, food, training, and down time to make sure I don’t stress myself out. I’ll have an article about this soon as well, but since putting a big emphasis on taking time to just put my feet up and watch TV, or go outside and sit in the sun with the dog, my mind and body both feel really good.

I’ve still be seeing Craig each week and that pinched nerve in my back is getting better, but the progress is slow. I’ve been sticking to machines and DB’s still, and I’ll factor in some BB bench and BB seated military press in the next couple week, but I’m not gonna have any weight on my back anytime soon until the nerve resolves itself. I guess it’s pretty good timing really, my legs have always really dominated the rest of my body, but I’ve never taken any amount of time away and put the extra work into bringing up my upper body.

Everything else feels healthier and healthier as I go, I just need this nerve thing to clear up and I’ll be good to go.

I haven’t changed my diet yet, it’s still just been 250 carbs per day, 250 protein and 30-40 fats. My body is responding for the time being so Noel doesn’t want to change anything until the results slow down…. A-OK for me! I’m just keeping my head down and putting in the work.

As far as training, I’m finally easing into dumbbells so I’m going light and just focusing on feeling them the best I can. My body is responding really well so far and I’ve felt extra sore for the last few days from them

I’m warming up each workout with the exercises Craig gave me, lots of thoracic mobility and core strengthening stuff. I’m doing Army crawls, shin box get ups, wrestling warm up moves, and some fun sandbag and banded walking stuff.

Seated machine chest press 4×12-15
Incline DB press 4×12-15
Decline hammerstrength press 4×12-15
Machine flies SS w/ close trip machine press 2×15-20
Machine preacher curls 4×12-15
Machine high elbow curls 4×12-15
DB hammer curls with an extra squeeze at the top for forearms 4×12-15

Hammer strength close grip overhand pulldown 4×12-15
Single arm machine rows 4×12-15
DB rows 4×12-15
Hammerstrength wide grip pulldown 4×12-15
Cable lat pullover 4×12-15

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Tucker Loken is a Bodybuilder turned Powerlifter turned Powerbuilder from Eugene, Oregon. He did his first bodybuilding show when he was still in high school, and has been training male and female competitors for shows since 2011. Several years ago he decided to take a step away from his normal routine and learn how to get strong. He worked with Brian for 9 months, added 200 pounds to his raw total and qualified as an Elite lifter in the 220 pound weight class. He returned back to bodybuilding much stronger and now incorporates the 10/20/Life philosophy into his training to keep himself healthy and making continual progress in the Big 3 as well as adding size and shaping his physique. Now part of Team PRS, he brings his unique expertise of nutritional knowledge and how to balance Bodybuilding with Powerlifting to help athletes achieve their best potential.
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