20 Jun Zane Geeting, 14 weeks out with upper session Video
I’m currently in the last stages of an off season training cycle and will be transitioning into a 10 week meet prep for the RPS Northern KY Throwdown in Newport KY, Sept 16th. Daniel Dalenberg is handling my training and Tucker Loken is helping me get my diet dialed in. This will be my first raw meet in a decade.
Another great week of training in the books. My upper session was relatively heavy with some triples on the standing OHP, and 5 sets of 5 on the floor press, using the Swiss bar. The RPE was still relatively low, but the work felt great. The lower session was a deload, so nothing too noteworthy there. Here’s video of my working sets on the main movements from the upper session:
One of the great things about video footage of your lifts is that you’ll see things that need correcting, often times that you didn’t even know you were doing. For instance, in the above video, I noticed that I need to do a better job of locking out on the floor press. Now, because of my missing right pec, and the propensity for cramping and locking when I lock out, I can’t fully lock out each and every rep, but I can do a better job than I did here, and that’s something I’ll be addressing in the coming weeks.
Below is what the full sessions consisted of:
6/13/2017, Tuesday night Upper training
As you can see from the video above, this session went very well. The Overhead press was done at an RPE of 7, and the floor press at an RPE of 6. I may have overshot that just slightly on the last set, as I was using very short rest periods.
Warm up
Farmers walk, Bird dog’s, McGill’s, Cat/Camel, Scarecrows, Side laterals
Standing OHP (Swiss bar)
Warmed up to 185×5, then… 205×3, and 215x3x2 sets
Close grip floor press (Swiss bar)
Warmed up to 225×5, then… 265x5x5 sets
Front raises
4 sets of 12 reps w/35 lb DB’s
Band pushdowns (light band)
100 total reps over 4 sets
Chest supported row
5 sets of 10 reps
Hammer curls
4 sets of 8 reps, up to 50 lb. DB’s
- That was all of it.
6/16/2017, Friday night Lower training
As I said above, this was a deload session. Some singles in the RPE 5 range on squat and deadlift. The timing was spot on here as I was starting to experience some knee soreness and fatigue. I could tell the weights weren’t snapping like they should, so it was great timing
Warm up
Farmers walk, Goblet squat, Glute activation, Bird dog’s, Cat/Camel, McGill’s
Warmed up to 330×3, then… 380x1x5 singles
245×3, 445x1x5 singles
Leg extensions
4 sets of 12 reps
Step ups
4 sets of 12 ea. leg
Machine hise shrugs
100 total reps over 4 sets
- The end. Another good week in the books, looking forward to going heavier on the upper session and my deadlifts next week. Stay tuned for that.
Zane Geeting
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