Zane Geeting, Training Update 1/15/2019
I'm currently in an off season training cycle working on getting back to some normalcy in training. My schedule has been very hectic as of late and training became very inconsistent because of...
I'm currently in an off season training cycle working on getting back to some normalcy in training. My schedule has been very hectic as of late and training became very inconsistent because of...
I'm currently in an off-season training cycle, if you want to call it that. It's more of an off-season mode, training around my busy schedule when I can, and trying to maximize potential...
I'm currently in an off season training cycle with a 3 day split over the course of 10 days, give or take a day. They are the standard Squat day, Bench day, and...
I'm currently off season and training as frequently as possible with my busy schedule. It hasn't been as regular as I would like, but I'm sure it will come around soon. My last...
I’m currently in an off-season training cycle focusing on bringing up some weak areas. I last competed at the XPC finals on Arnold weekend where I totaled 1710@198 raw with wraps which was...
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