Zane Geeting, Off season training from 8/6/18 to 8/19/18

I’m currently in an off-season training cycle focusing on bringing up some weak areas. I last competed at the XPC finals on Arnold weekend where I totaled 1710@198 raw with wraps which was good enough to win my class, but far from what I was capable of. I’m looking to have a better showing this winter but don’t have a meet picked as of yet. Right now I’m training 2x per week on a 3 day split to accommodate my busy schedule.


This update brings 2 weeks of training. The first week consisted of a bench day and a deadlift day, the second week; squat and bench. Things have been stupid busy at work, I’ve been out on time one day in the last 5 weeks, but I’m managing to get my training in where I can. Here’s what I did.

8/7/2018 Bench Training

This session was just me and the wife, which has been most of them lately. We both got some good work in though.

Warm up

Bird dogs, McGill’s, Cat/Camel, Push ups, Scarecrows, Side laterals, Front raises


Warmed up to 235×5, then 285×4 and 315x4x2 sets.

Dropped back down to 255×12

Push ups

100 total reps

DB rows


Lat pulldowns


Machine shrugs


Band pushdowns


  • That was all of it. Good session overall.

8/11/2018 Deadlift training

This was a deadlift session, sets of 5 slightly heavier than last time I did them.

Warm up

McGill’s, Donkey kicks, Cat/Camel, Glute activation, BW squat, Light stretching

Conventional Deadlift

Warmed up to 405×5, then 445×5, and 485×5

Bent rows


Lat pulldowns


Machine shrugs

100 total reps

Reverse hyper/Calve raise SS


Hammer curls


  • That was it for this one as well. Good session/good week.


8/15/2018 Squat training

My nasty hamstring was bothering me before this session, so I decided not to further aggravate it by squatting on it. So this session was a deload (1 week ahead of schedule) consisting of accessory work only.

Warm up

McGill’s, Donkey kicks, Cat/Camel, BW squat, Glute activation, Light stretching

Leg extensions


Hamstring curls


Calve raises


Seal rows


Band pull aparts


  • That was it, quick one here


8/19/2018 Bench training

This session was 4’s, slightly heavier than the previous session. Again, me and the wife getting it done when we can.

Warm up

McGill’s, Bird dogs, Cat/Camel, Push ups, Scarecrows, Side laterals, Front raises


Warmed up to 235×4, then 285×4, 305×4, and 325x4x2 sets

Dropped back down to 255×13

Push ups

100 total

DB rows


Lat pulldowns


Band pull aparts


Band pushdowns

100 total reps

  • The end. Another good week, although I do need to get that bad hamstring figured out. The pain/tightness is up high where it ties into the glute, and it only hurts when squatting to parallel or deeper, hamstring curls, deadlifting, etc. do not bother it. Just need to figure out some time to get it looked at/worked on.



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Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a pro multi-ply powerlifter with best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 765 deadlift. He is coming back to competitive PL after a year and a half layoff that was a result of several serious injuries including a severe rupture of the right pec that could not be repaired. Zane has an extremely busy schedule that would make most people quit before Friday. He works 55+ hours a week as a finance manager. As a renaissance man, he is also currently restoring a 140 year-old farmhouse and maintaining a hobby farm. Despite all this, Zane still finds time to train 2-3 times per week, as well as coach other lifters.  
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