Zane Geeting, 2 weeks out

I’m currently wrapping up training for the RPS Northern KY Throwdown, in Newport KY, Sept 16th 2017. This will be my first raw full meet in 10+ years. Daniel Dalenberg is handling my training and Tucker Loken my diet. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can do without the gear after all these years.


This was the last real week of training for the meet. Next week will consist of one light fluff n’ buff session, and my weight cut. I’m currently sitting at 218-219 in the a.m. and 221-222 walking around weight. The cut to 198 will be the biggest I’ve ever done, but I’m confident it will go well. Here’s what I did with training last week, I didn’t bore you with uneventful video.


9/5/2017, Tuesday night upper session.

The goal here was to work up to a last warm-up one last time. I followed it up with a couple light accessory movements. Here’s what I did…

Warm up

Bird dog’s, Cat/Camel, McGill’s, Side laterals, Scarecrows


Warmed up to 285×1 and 325×1

Band pushdowns

100 total reps with a light band, 4 sets to get it done

Machine hise shrugs

100 total reps, 4 sets

Hammer curls

4 sets of 12-15 reps

  • That was all of it. Kept it light, just trying to get some blood moving and aid in recovery here.


9/8/2017, Friday night lower training

This is where things really get light. The goal here was just to handle enough weight to feel like I did something, then hit a couple light accessories and head home. Here’s what I did…

Warm up

BW squat, Sissy squat, Donkey kicks, Cat/Camel, McGill’s, Glute activation


Warmed up to a couple singles at 380

Leg extensions

4 sets of 15-20 reps

Lat pulldowns

3 sets of 15 reps

  • That was it.


Monday starts the water load, 2 gallons on Mon and Tues, 3 gallons on Wed. The carbs got lowered dramatically on Monday (9/11) and are all but gone on Tuesday. I’ll be heading into the gym Tues night for that last fluff n buff session to flush the glycogen out of the muscles and aid in the weight cutting process. Mag citrate Wed night, and cut off food and water on Thurs. More on the cut later. Training is done and I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to hit my goals.


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Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a pro multi-ply powerlifter with best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 765 deadlift. He is coming back to competitive PL after a year and a half layoff that was a result of several serious injuries including a severe rupture of the right pec that could not be repaired. Zane has an extremely busy schedule that would make most people quit before Friday. He works 55+ hours a week as a finance manager. As a renaissance man, he is also currently restoring a 140 year-old farmhouse and maintaining a hobby farm. Despite all this, Zane still finds time to train 2-3 times per week, as well as coach other lifters.  
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