10 Dec Zane Geeting, First log entry with a grip video
Okay, this is my first post here on power rack strength, and let me just say that I am pumped to be a part of what Brian is doing here.
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a multi-ply powerlifter from MI, and I typically compete in the 220 lb class, but have done a few meets without cutting, in the 242 class. I’ve been good friends with Brian since 2008 or so, and I was actually his first online training client. Brian coached me from my first full meet in gear, to a pro total, and then best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 755 deadlift. I train with a great group of guys including fellow powerrackstrength.com teammate Josh McMillan, in Midland MI. I’ve been hit with some serious injuries in the past few years including a badly ruptured right pec, and am finally recovered enough to start making my way back to the platform. I look forward to helping my team mates and readers get everything they can out of their training.
A little more background on me: I’m 31 years old, married, work 55-65 hours a week as a finance manager at an auto-group 40 minutes away from my house. I also own and operate a 40 acre hobby farm in my “free time.” For those of you that don’t know, that means I have a bunch of animals (chickens, goats, horse, pigs, etc.) and grow hay (hopefully some produce this year as well) but not enough to make any real money, so its a hobby. On top of that I train 2-3 days a week, compete at the pro level in powerlifting, and train online clients. For good measure, my wife and I started a full renovation on our 140 year old farm house this year. As you can see, I’m a glutton for punishment, and find down-time to be overrated in general. I like to keep busy any time that I’m not sleeping. I know there are a lot of people out there that are busy, some busier than me, but I think I present an angle that lets people know that there is no reason you can’t be successful in sports just because you have a busy life. There is always a way to get it done if you truly want to.
That being said, last night I wasn’t able to make it to the gym for my usual Tuesday night deadlift session. I’m 10 straight days of 10.5-12 hour days into a used car sale that we have going on right now. My schedule has been thrown off a bit, but I’m doing what I can to keep on top of things. In place of last nights training that didn’t happen because I didn’t get home ’til after 8pm, I did some core work and gripper work. Here’s how that looked.
McGill curl ups-
10×10 second holds
Bird dogs-
10×10 second holds
3×1 minute
Captains of crush gripper work-
#1x10x2 sets
#3x1x3 sets
These are all right hand numbers. The left hand was the same with the #1, #2, and #2.5, but I was unable to close the #3.
This is the final close with the #3. Not as solid as the first 2, but I’ll take it. Don’t mind the torn up, ghetto looking house, that’s the old farm house I speak of above.
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Zane Geeting

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