Zane Geeting, Friday night squatting and pulling with video (You’re gonna wanna see this)

I’ve been training on a 2x per week split with all intentions of doing the APF Fall open here in MI, this October. Unfortunately I didn’t get my gear figured out on time and the meet filled up. For now its back to the drawing board.


This weeks session was to be the one where I take an opener squat and pull some reps in the 85% range to get a feel for where I’m at 4 weeks out from the meet. I was short handed with just my wife and Brandon, but decided to make it work anyways. Here’s how it went, with some video of one of the many possible bad outcomes when you don’t have enough spotters.

Warm up

bird dogs, McGills, KB swings, hip airplanes, BW squat


warmed up to 420×1 raw


510×1, 600×1

Suit straps down


Straps up


Bad camera angle on that one, sorry.

Opener, full gear, and a big oops.

As you can see, the rack was too high for me (my fault) and instead of taking the time to drop it down, I squatted the weight anyways. When my wife swung the hooks back in, the hit the bar and knocked me off balance. I had no choice but to dump the bar and try to get out of the way as fast as possible. I’ll give the mastodon a great testimonial here though, its still straight as an arrow after that.


315×5, 405×3, 495×1, 585×1, and…

655x4x2 sets. Video is of the 2nd set

Pulls went much better this week than the past few times I’ve tried. This was the 2nd set in the 85% range and it felt good. I’m still not fully dialed in, but my strength is good considering.

I finished up with…

Calve raises

Machine shrugs


That was it. It was a late night, I almost killed everyone when 800 lbs went flying through the air, and I think we were all ready for some food and sleep.

Unfortunately the meet filled up, so I’m out on this one, stay tuned for more updates as I figure out what I’m going to do going forward. If nothing else, the XPC finals are definitely still on the agenda.


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Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a pro multi-ply powerlifter with best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 765 deadlift. He is coming back to competitive PL after a year and a half layoff that was a result of several serious injuries including a severe rupture of the right pec that could not be repaired. Zane has an extremely busy schedule that would make most people quit before Friday. He works 55+ hours a week as a finance manager. As a renaissance man, he is also currently restoring a 140 year-old farmhouse and maintaining a hobby farm. Despite all this, Zane still finds time to train 2-3 times per week, as well as coach other lifters.  
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